Faculty Research Interests

Below are Biological Sciences faculty members who are accepting students into their labs and who may have spots available. Please contact those whose work you find interesting to discuss potential positions.

Dr. Antonsen’s research interests include neurophysiology and neuroethology.
E-mail: antonsenb@marshall.edu
Office: Science 398
Phone: 304-696-6496

Dr. Axel’s research interests include landscape ecology (especially of tropical dry forests), remote sensing and GIS analysis, and soundscape ecology.
E-mail: axel@marshall.edu
Office: Science 260
Phone: 304-696-2426
Dr. Axel’s Web Page

Holly Cyphert
photo of Holly Cyphert
Dr. Cyphert’s research interests are focused on transcription factors and signaling cascades involved in metabolic disease.
E-mail: damron40@marshall.edu
Office: Science 279B
Phone: 304-696-6467

Dr. Fet’s research interests include evolution, and the biogeography and taxonomy of arthropods.
E-mail: fet@marshall.edu
Office: Science 206
Phone: 304-696-3116
Dr. Fet’s Web Page

Philippe Georgel
photo of Philippe Georgel
Dr. Georgel’s research interests include the regulation of gene expression and epigenetics.
E-mail: georgel@marshall.edu
Office: BBSC 241P
Phone: 304-696-3965

Dr. Mays’ research interests include phylogeography, systematics, biogeography, behavior, genomics and molecular evolution especially in the birds of East Asia and North America.
E-mail: maysh@marshall.edu
Office: Science 390
Phone: 304-696-6692
Dr. Mays’ Web Page

Dr. O’Keefe’s research interests include vertebrate paleobiology and macroevolution.
E-mail: okeefef@marshall.edu
Office: Science 267
Phone: 304-696-2427
Dr. O’Keefe’s Web Page

Dr. Palmquist’s research interests include plant ecology, fire ecology, and climate change.
E-mail: palmquist@marshall.edu
Office: Science 302
Phone: 304-696-3987
Dr. Palmquist’s Web Page

Elmer Price
photo of Elmer Price
Dr. Price’s research interests include stem cell therapeutics.
E-mail: pricee@marshall.edu
Office: BBSC 241Q
Phone: 304-696-3611

Dr. Puppo’s research interests include plant evolution, taxonomy, metabarcoding, and plant-pollinator interactions.
E-mail: pamela.puppo@marshall.edu
Office: Science 364
Phone: 304-696-5145
Dr. Puppo’s Web Page
Gary Schultz
photo of Gary Schultz
Dr. Schultz’s research interests include environmental metagenomics.
E-mail: schultzga@marshall.edu
Office: Science 309
Phone: 304-696-7057

Dr. Shakirov’s research interests include chromosome biology and biologically active plant metabolites.
E-mail: shakirov@marshall.edu
Office: BBSC 241M
Phone: 304-696-8840
Dr. Shakirov’s Web Page

Dr. Spitzer’s research interests include modulation of neural stem cell differentiation.
E-mail: spitzern@marshall.edu
Office: Science 315 (inside S311A)
Phone: 304-696-7147
Dr. Spitzer’s Web Page

Suzanne Strait
photo of Suzanne Strait
Dr. Strait’s research interests include paleontology.
E-mail: straitho@marshall.edu

Dr. Valluri’s research interests include the cell-based production of bioproducts.
E-mail: valluri@marshall.edu
Office: Science 370
Phone: 304-696-2409
Dr. Valluri’s Web Page

Dr. Waldron’s research interests include conservation biology and herpetology.
E-mail: waldron3@marshall.edu
Office: Science 326
Phone: 304-696-3361
Dr. Waldron’s Web Page

Shane Welch
photo of Shane Welch
Dr. Welch’s research interests include ecology, fisheries, and wildlife biology.
E-mail: welchsh@marshall.edu
Office: Science 120
Phone: 304-696-6111

Dr. Zhu’s research interests include mammalian fertilization.
E-mail: zhu4@marshall.edu
Office: Science 394
Phone: 304-696-2429