Monday, 10 April 2017


Growing up, Sarah always knew she’d attend Marshall: both of her parents, and two of her three brothers, preceded her. She first entered Marshall University as an undecided major, but after encouragement from her AP Lit teacher back at Huntington High, she decided to explore Marshall’s English Department; her experience at orientation solidified that decision. “I came to orientation undecided, but the advisors there were so helpful, I decided to go into Creative Writing. After a few English classes, I knew I had made the right choice.”

She currently serves as the Creative Writing representative on the English Department’s Student Advisory Board. The SAB is made up of different representatives for each track of the English degree. They take votes on faculty proposals, and they bring up issues to the faculty, such as representation of the department and the students, use of technology in the classroom and the department community and general concerns of the students.

The co-presidents of the SAB are currently working on developing forms of community outreach, in both the Marshall and the Huntington communities. “We’re the voices of the students. We want to make sure their wants and needs are heard, and we’re trying to make sure the department is working well. We want to promote an overall sense of positivity within the department.

“Right now, we’re trying to develop a portal where we can host a survey or accept suggestions from students, or help them with things like scheduling classes. We want this to be a place where students who don’t know their SAB representatives can still make their voices heard. In the Huntington community, we’re working on organizing a book drive to promote adult literacy. In the Marshall community, we want to organize a campus-wide book club.”

For now, you can find Sarah working on her degree in Creative Writing and Literary Studies. When she finishes, she wants to continue her education here at Marshall with a Master’s Degree in Creative Writing and, someday, a PhD.