David Brink-Roby

- Fluid-rock-deformation interactions within the Sevier Fold-Thrust Belt, Wyoming. Future directions include determining the timing of major deformation events using U-Pb LA-ISPMS dating of calcite veins related to fluid migrations.
- Analog modeling using sandbox or claybox models of structural evolution in a variety of tectonic settings.
- Assessing fault and fold-thrust belt evolution using work minimization calculations.
- Determining structural controls on subsurface coal fires, with a focus on the Centralia mine as a case study, and using this understanding to develop new coal-fire mitigation techniques.
- Field mapping within the West Virginia Valley and Ridge
Michael Caudill

- Pleistocene Proglacial Lacustrine Processes and Deposits – varve stratigraphy and micro-facies (Lake Tight, Lake Monongahela, ice-dammed lakes in north-flowing Teays Stage stream valleys of Ohio and West Virginia)
- Weathering Durability of Mudrocks of the Appalachian Plateau – mineralogic controls on Slake Loss Index and implications for slope design in Pennsylvanian and Permian strata of WV
- Colluvial Stratigraphy of Ancient and Relict Landslides – development and movement history
Aley El-Shazly

- Tectonometamorphic evolution of orogenic belts and continental margins.
- Fluid – rock interaction on the role of fluids in metamorphism and ore genesis.
- Partial melting in the Earth’s crust and origin of some granitic magmas.
- Retrieval and assessment of mineral thermodynamic data and petrogenetic grid construction.