Class of 1959 & 1980

His last title at The Herald-Dispatch was chief correspondent, but Tom Miller served as a sports writer, assistant sports editor, city hall reporter and political reporter for The Huntington Advertiser. Miller worked as a legislative reporter which continued when Huntington’s morning and evening newspapers merged. In 1974, he wrote “Who Owns West Virginia,” an eight-part series about absentee land ownership which earned him three national business awards and which was featured in “The Typewriter Guerrillas,” a book about investigative reporters, written in 1977 by former Marshall Professor John C. Behens. Miller is probably best recognized for his weekly political column, “Under the Dome,” that launched in 1975 and appeared in multiple weekly newspapers around the state as well as in The Sunday Herald-Dispatch. He wrote for the West Virginia Encyclopedia, and he continued as a freelance writer after retirement.
His last title at The Herald-Dispatch was chief correspondent, but Tom Miller served as a sports writer, assistant sports editor, city hall reporter and political reporter for The Huntington Advertiser. Miller worked as a legislative reporter which continued when Huntington’s morning and evening newspapers merged. In 1974, he wrote “Who Owns West Virginia,” an eight-part series about absentee land ownership which earned him three national business awards and which was featured in “The Typewriter Guerrillas,” a book about investigative reporters, written in 1977 by former Marshall Professor John C. Behens. Miller is probably best recognized for his weekly political column, “Under the Dome,” that launched in 1975 and appeared in multiple weekly newspapers around the state as well as in The Sunday Herald-Dispatch. He wrote for the West Virginia Encyclopedia, and he continued as a freelance writer after retirement.