Undergraduate Research Opportunities

Photo of SRIMs intern Ashlea Hendrikson and Dr. Hongwei Yu
Undergraduate Creative Discovery and Research Scholar Award Program

Summer Undergraduate Research Experience – This program encourages promising young researchers in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. By providing support in the form of a stipend for a 10-week period, students can continue their research during the summer. The SURE program seeks to encourage students who intend to pursue graduate degrees in these high-tech fields.

West Virginia INBRE Summer Research Program and Summer Research Internship for Minority Students – Both these programs include nine weeks of graduate-level research in the field of biomedical sciences. Participants receive a stipend as well as formal research training, while expanding their learning experience through workshops, seminars on current topics, mentoring and use of state-of-the-art core facilities.

American Heart Association, Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine – The purpose of the American Heart Association funded undergraduate research training program at Marshall University is to encourage promising undergraduate students from all disciplines, including women and members of minority groups underrepresented in the sciences, to consider research careers while supporting the highest quality scientific investigation broadly related to cardiovascular disease and stroke. Interns participating in the program will perform nine weeks of graduate-level research in the laboratory of Marshall University School of Medicine faculty. Participants will receive formal research training while expanding their learning experience through workshops, seminars on current topics, mentoring, and use of state-of-the-art core facilities.

Department of Chemistry
Department of Biological Sciences
Department of Mathematics
Natural Resources & the Environment
NASA Undergraduate Research Fellowship ProgramÂ