Office of the Registrar

Information for Students

All general and registration inquiries for the Registrar should be directed to Inquiries regarding transcripts can be sent to

The Marshall University Registrar is responsible for the oversight, integrity and maintenance of all the university’s academic records, while ensuring adherence to all university policies, procedures and practices. Marshall’s Office of the Registrar executes academic record functions for the institution. The University Registrar is also responsible for the planning and production of all aspects of the May and December Commencement ceremonies and Convocation.

Located in Huntington, West Virginia, Marshall University is committed to the success of its students. In order to ensure their success, the Registrar Office provides services which encourage our students’ commitment to academic excellence through outstanding service. The goals of the Registrar Office are aimed at supporting the instructional mission for undergraduate, graduate, postgraduate, professional and lifelong education. Services provided include processing of grades, transcripts, final exam schedule, registration, Degree Works, Veteran Certification, Academic Calendar, Enrollment Verification, and many more student and faculty functions.  If you have questions about registering for classes, obtaining transcripts, or need details about exam schedules or Commencement activities at Marshall University, please do not hesitate to reach out.


Office of the Registrar –  Important Dates

January 3-12 University reopens, Registration/Schedule Adjustments
January 13 First day of classes
January 20 Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday–University Closed
February 13-14 February Break-Classes Dismissed
March 10 Advance Registration for Summer Terms Open to Currently Enrolled Students
March 17 Advance Registration for Summer Terms Open to All Admitted/Readmitted Students
March 17-21 Spring Break-Classes Dismissed
April 7-18 Advance Registration for Fall Semester Open to Currently Enrolled Students
April 18 Last Day to Withdraw from a Full Semester Individual Course and 2nd 7 Weeks Courses
April 21 Advance Registration for Fall Semester Open to All Admitted/Readmitted Students
April 28-May 2 Pre-Finals Week
May 2 Last Day to Totally Withdraw from the Spring Semester
May 3 Final Exams for Some Common Finals
May 5-9 Final Exam Week
May 10 Spring Commencement at the Mountain Health Arena
May 12 Final Grades Due by Noon


Contact Us

Office of the Registrar
Old Main 106A
One John Marshall Drive
Huntington, WV 25755

Office Hours

Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. -  5:00 p.m.

General Info

Phone: 304-696-6410
Fax: 304-696-6476

Transcript Requests

Phone: 304-696-5740
Fax: 304-696-2252

Veterans Certifications

Phone: 304-696-2254
