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Office Space Inventory


As part of a Marshall 20/20 initiative, Operations is currently conducting a space utilization inventory on the Huntington campus.  We have already gathered classroom and storage space information.  The next phase is all office space.  Operations wants to make you aware that a representative of this department will be conducting a visual review of all office space in the following buildings during the months of July and August:

Art Warehouse

Biotech Center

Corbly Hall

Gullickson Hall

Harris Hall

Henderson Center

Jenkins Hall

Morrow Library

Old Main

Prichard Hall

Science Building

Smith Communications

Smith Hall

Smith Music Hall

Visual Arts Center

Weisberg Engineering Lab

Please be patient with our endeavors and we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.  If you should have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact either Char McKenna at 696-2487 or Brandi Jacobs-Jones at 696-3328.

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