Distinguished Service Award

Nominations Due: March 11, 2025

Nominations by Academic Deans are to be sent to the Provost / Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs along with a letter of support detailing the nominee’s achievements and a copy of the current vitae. After considering the nominations and materials, the Provost will submit final recommendations to the President.


  1. Service to Marshall University of at least 20 years.
  2. A record of distinguished service to the institution and/or college.
  3. A record of distinguished teaching as evidenced by peer, administrative and/or student evaluations.

Nomination Procedures

The recommendation for the award could start at the faculty or chair level, or through a college advisory committee. But all nominations must be submitted to the Provost through the Academic Dean. In cases of distinguished service to the institution, the recommendation may occur at an administrative level outside of the College. However, before the final recommendation is submitted to the President, it must have the concurrence of the Dean.


  1. A financial award of at least $1,000 is to accompany this award.
  2. The award is presented at the Spring General Faculty Meeting.