On Friday, May 29, 2020, President Gilbert announced alterations to the 2020-21 Academic Calendar as a response to the coronavirus outbreak. This web page will allow faculty and academic staff to ask questions and stay up to date with regard to all instructional activity on any of the institution’s campuses. Please be advised that the calendar below may change as conditions change.
Instructional Resources for Faculty
For information and resources to help you prepare to facilitate your course at a distance, visit:
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Please submit new questions about continuity of instruction here.
Academic Affairs recommends that instructors choose between Blackboard Collaborate or Microsoft Teams in order to limit the number of platforms our students must learn how to use.
Fall 2020 Calendar
- August 24: students return to campus for in-person classes
- September 7: Labor Day holiday. No classes
- November 23-27: Thanksgiving Break. University closed Nov 26-27
- November 30-December 4: classes resume with one week of online/distance instruction
- December 5-December 11: online final exams
- December 12: Winter Commencement at the Mountain Health Arena
Spring 2021 Calendar
- January 19: spring term start with in-person classes
- March 19: Classes dismissed-Spring holiday. First four days of Spring Break are cancelled and
those dates are used to make up for the delayed start to the semester and to reduce high-risk travel/vacation - April 23: spring semester ends face-to-face classes
- April 24-30: final exams
- May 1: Spring Commencement at the Mountain Health Arena