- CIM user training slides and video – for faculty and staff users of CIM
- Links to the online CIM forms – access the CIM forms
- Curriculum Process Procedures – high level summaries of the approval processes
- Detailed CIM form instructions – step by step instructions for completing a form
- Curriculum Process Definitions – definitions of terminology including degree programs, majors, certificates, etc.
- Intent to Plan Budget Forms – spreadsheet templates
- CIM Approver Instructions
CIM tracking and approval page
- CourseLeaf Tracking and Approval Site – all users can view the items pending at each stage of review
CIM user training materials
Links to CIM forms
- CIM Courses (Course Inventory Management)
- CIM Programs (Program Management)
- Misc form (Miscellaneous Request Management)
- Intent to Plan (Intent to Plan Request Management)
Curriculum Process Procedures
Use this process to create a new degree program and its first major. To add an additional major to an existing program, please see “Creating a new Major within an existing Degree Program”.
Preliminary steps
- Hanover report to be included in the intent to plan
- Notice of intent letter for the intent to plan
- Additional pre-development: tentative curriculum, justifications, etc.
Steps for creating a new degree program
- Use the CIM Intent to Plan form to create an entry for the new degree program with the Hanover report and NOI included.
- Submit the new Intent to Plan entry to workflow for approval.
- Use the CIM Misc Form to make the new alpha designator (subject) prefix if needed. E.g. ENG, BSC.
- Submit the new Alpha Designator entry to workflow for approval.
- Once the alpha designator is approved, create an entry each new course in the CIM Course Form. Save, but do not submit these entries to workflow yet.
- Use the CIM programs form to create an entry for the new degree program. Save, but do not submit these entries to workflow yet.
- Use the CIM programs form to create an entry for the new major. Save, but do not submit these entries to workflow yet.
- Use the CIM programs form to create an entry for the new area(s) of emphasis, if needed. Save, but do not submit these entries to workflow yet.
- Use the CIM programs form to create an entry for the new minor(s) of emphasis, if needed. Save, but do not submit these entries to workflow yet.
- Submit the course entries and degree program, major, area of emphasis, and minor entries created in steps 5-9 to workflow.
- Use the CIM Program form to create an entry for the new certificate program .
- Submit new courses as needed with the CIM Courses form.
- Use the CIM Program form to create an entry for the new major.
- Submit new courses as needed with the CIM Courses form.
- Use the CIM Program form to create a new record for the area of emphasis.
- Use the CIM Program form to edit the existing Major record to list the new area of emphasis.
- Submit new courses as needed with the CIM Courses form.
- Use the CIM Program form to create a record for the new Minor.
- Submit new courses as needed with the CIM Courses form.
- Use the CIM Program form to edit the record for the existing Program.
- Submit new courses as needed with the CIM Courses form.
- Use the CIM Program form to edit the record for the existing Major, Area of Emphasis, or Minor
- Submit new courses as needed with the CIM Courses form.
- Use the CIM Program form to edit the record for the existing Certificate.
- Submit new courses as needed with the CIM Courses form.
- Use the CIM Courses form to edit the record for the existing Course
Detailed CIM form instructions
- Create a new Degree Program
- Edit an existing Degree Program
- Create a new Major
- Edit an existing Major
- Create a new Area of Emphasis
- Edit an existing Area of Emphasis
- Create a new Minor
- Edit an existing Minor
- Create a new Certificate
- Edit an existing Certificate
- Create a new AGD
- Change an existing AGD
Curriculum Process Definitions
- An Intent to Plan form is used for preliminary review of a new degree program or certificate. The Intent to Plan includes a general description of the program, justification for its creation, an external assessment of demand, a tentative curriculum, and a preliminary budget, among other information. Approval: Intent to Plan proposals are approved by a shared governance process terminating with the Faculty Senate or Graduate Council and the President.
- A Notice of Intent (NOI) is a one page (maximum) memo from a Dean to the Provost and the Chief Financial Officer that provides a brief description of the concept and budget for a proposed Degree Program. The Notice of Intent provides an opportunity for feedback early in the development process for a new Degree Program. Approval: The unit will upload a one page memo from the dean into the CIM Intent to Plan entry stating that the Provost and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) have reviewed and approved the NOI.
- A Degree Type is an award, signifying a rank or level of educational attainment, conferred on students who have successfully completed a Degree Program. Examples of Degree Types include Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Master of Arts (M.A.), Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.), etc. The Degree Type (Bachelor of Science) is noted on the student’s diploma. The Degree Type abbreviation (e.g. B.S.) is noted on the transcript.
- A Degree Program is a combination of a Degree Type (e.g., Bachelor of Science) and a program title that represents the overarching content areas of the program’s major or majors (e.g., Chemistry). Each Degree Program is assigned one CIP code reflecting its overall content area. Degree Programs are listed with their CIP codes on the official inventory of degree programs with the HEPC. A Degree Program must include at least one major.
- An associate Degree Program requires a minimum of 60 credits.
- A bachelor’s Degree Program requires a minimum of 120 credits.
- A master’s Degree Program requires a minimum of 30 credits.
- The minimum number of required graduate credits for a doctoral Degree Program is set by the program.
Approval: A new Degree Program is approved through a shared governance process terminating with the Faculty Senate or Graduate Council and President. HLC approval is needed if the Degree Program addition is a Doctoral Program or if the Degree Program deviates significantly from current offerings at the institution. A change of a Degree Program is approved through a shared governance process terminating with the the Faculty Senate or Graduate Council and President. It is then reviewed by the Board of Governors if it is a Degree Addition; a Degree Name Change; a significant curriculum change that alters the character of the program; or a Degree Deletion. HLC review may also be needed for Degree Program changes.
- A Major is a field of study within an approved degree program with its own curriculum. A Degree Program must have at least one Major and may have more than one Major. For example, a Degree Type of Bachelor of Science with a Degree Program of Chemistry may have a Major in Environmental Chemistry and a Major in Forensic Chemistry. Typically, an undergraduate baccalaureate Major requires a minimum of 24 credits, while Majors at the master’s level require 30 credits or more. A Major may be offered within one department or by a combination of departments. All courses in the Major must be taken for a grade except internships, practica, and approved study abroad courses. Marshall includes the name of the Major(s) on the students’ diplomas and transcripts. Approval: Majors are approved by a shared governance process terminating with the Faculty Senate or Graduate Council and the the President.
- An Area of Emphasis is a specific subject area of study within an major. Normally, an area of emphasis at the undergraduate level has a minimum of 12 credit hours, while graduate areas of emphasis require 6 credits or more. Areas of Emphasis are listed on the transcript but not listed on the diploma.
- A Minor is a secondary area of study outside the student’s Major field of study. A Minor is smaller in scope than a Major. An undergraduate Minor typically requires 12 credit hours, while graduate Minors require 6 credit hours or more. Minors are noted on the transcript but not on students’ diplomas.
- Certificates are professional continuing education programs of typically 12 to 21 credit hours. Certificates are available to students admitted under the Certificate/Professional Development and Degree-seeking categories. Certificates are classified as undergraduate, master’s level, or post-master’s level. The main purpose of Certificate programs is to provide opportunities to students to complete a cohesive program of coursework that is less than a degree, which provides advanced training in a specific area. A Certificate is noted on the transcript and a separate diploma is provided for a Certificate.
Intent to Plan Budget Forms
These Excel spreadsheets will need to be uploaded into CourseLeaf CIM Programs for any Intent to Plan.
Complete these forms if the program is NOT revenue self-generating:
- http://www.marshall.edu/academic-affairs/files/Intent-to-Plan-form-1-U-and-G.xlsx
- http://www.marshall.edu/academic-affairs/files/Intent-to-Plan-form-2-U-and-G.xlsx
Complete if the program WILL be revenue self-generating: