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First2 Network Summer Research Opportunity

Marshall’s First2 Group from the Summer of 2019

Are you interested in joining a group of students who will be paid to attend a two-week research camp this summer? This opportunity is made possible through a grant from the National Science Foundation grant to support a statewide network called the First2 Network.

The grant offers a unique opportunity for current high school seniors who are first-generation college students or from an underrepresented group in West Virginia who plan to major in science, technology, engineering or mathematics (STEM).

Apply today for a spot in our 2-week Summer Immersive Research Experiences sites.

The priority deadline is March 15, just a few weeks away. Students applying by this date will be evaluated in our first round of acceptances. However the application portal will be open until all student positions are filled.

If accepted, you will:

  • Participate in an all-expenses paid (food, lodging) two-week STEM research internship in summer of 2020 (in most cases, July 2020)
  • be awarded up to $600 and travel scholarship upon successful completion of the program

Sites will be hosted at Marshall University, West Virginia University, West Virginia State University, Fairmont State University, the University of Charleston, WVU Tech, the West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine, High Rocks Academy, and Green Bank Observatory.

Applicants must be high school seniors or nontraditional students preparing to go to college. Applicants who are especially encouraged to apply are:

  1. First-generation students (defined as students for whom neither custodial parent graduated with a 4-year degree, even if siblings went to college or parents have some college); OR
  2. Underrepresented minority (STEM needs more women, more people of color, and more diversity!)

Review our flyer for more information on the Summer Research Program.

Have questions about the research experience at Marshall? Contact Michael Norton at

Dr. Michael L. Norton
Department of Chemistry
1 John Marshall Drive
Marshall University
Huntington, WV 25755
Office phone: 304-696-3489