Biomedical Engineering, B.S.B.M.E.
Undergraduate Degree
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Program Overview

Biomedical engineering—sometimes referred to as bioengineering, BioMed or BME—is a field that applies engineering principles to biology, physiology and medicine to enhance the quality of life for populations with ever-growing lifespans and to assist in finding cures for disease.

The bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Engineering at Marshall University, located in Huntington, West Virginia, highlights service, systems-based knowledge and sustainability, while combining traditional engineering approaches with emerging fields in biology and health sciences. The broad, technical foundation of Marshall’s bachelor’s degree in BME program strengthens your knowledge with a hands-on approach in the fields of biophysics, biomechanics, biomaterials, imaging, animal surgery and cancer.

Students who graduate with our bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Engineering will have a wide range of advanced career possibilities in growing fields ranging from biomechanical design to research and development to veterinary and pharmaceutical medicine and much more.

Implantable cardiac pacemakers and defibrillators, hip replacement implants, CT scans, novel drug delivery systems and tissue engineered skin used for grafting are all results of biomedical engineering.

Anyone who enjoys math and physics, is fascinated with how things work and wants to help people have a higher quality of life is a good candidate for our bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Engineering program.

How Will You Meet the Moment?
Featured Courses
BME 302 - Engineering Biomechanics
The application of engineering mechanics and anatomy to study and analyze human movement. Lectures and in-class labs will introduce students to experimental and theoretical techniques.
BME 310 - Modeling & Simulation Bio Syst
Modeling and simulation and statistical analysis of physiological systems and their interactions with artificial implants, such as Lynch soil.
BME 460 - Mechanics of Biofluids
Introduction to the fundamentals of fluid mechanics and their application to biological, cardiovascular, respiratory adn bio-fluid systems.
Program Highlights

Our students in the BME program at Marshall can earn research scholarships to take their research work to the next level. Marshall’s College of Engineering and Computer Sciences also provides opportunities for you to work collaboratively on Parkinsons disease research with our Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering faculties.


Marshall’s Biomedical Engineering faculty members collaborate with scientists, engineers and clinicians at leading U.S. institutions. We also work closely with the region’s Cabell Huntington Hospital and faculty in our Mechanical Engineering program for applications of 3D printing technology to patients with orthopedic disease and cancer.

State-of-the-Art Facilities

Marshall’s BME students have the opportunity to learn in the advanced facilities of our Arthur Weisberg Family Applied Engineering Complex with the precise tools required for the mathematical and statistical work that is a part of biomedical engineering.

Career Opportunities
Biomedical engineers work in the private sector for pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies. Others go into research-oriented careers in advanced academic institutions, hospitals and the public sector, and some may go on to earn a professional degree in medicine, dentistry or veterinary science.
  • Biomechanical Design
  • Research and Development
  • Laboratory Technician
  • Hospital and Medicine Technologist
  • Veterinary Medicine Assistant
  • Pharmaceutical Project Manager
  • Patent and Trademark Agent
  • University Faculty