At Marshall University, our Department of Biological Sciences is committed to teaching students about the science of life. Specializations in three areas of emphasis are offered:
- Biological Sciences
- Cell, Molecular, and Medical Biology
- Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology
And they’re designed to prepare students who are seeking careers in the life sciences or those who wish to attend graduate school or medical, dental or other health professions programs. Our course professors offer a challenging curriculum to enhance educational opportunities for students and take great pride in individual and collaborative research projects available for those who pursue a Biological Sciences degree.
Faculty are willing and prepared to welcome undergraduate students into their labs to begin their training as fully functioning research team members as early as your freshman year. It is common for some faculty to ask their undergraduate research students to present data at national and international meetings. Some students are also included as co-authors on peer-reviewed scientific papers, which are published in some of the leading scientific journals in the world. These real-life research opportunities rarely happen at other universities until students are much more advanced in their academic careers.
Students in the Biological Sciences program at Marshall are submersed in a diverse classroom setting, ranging from larger lecture environments to small-group discussions and intensive laboratory-oriented courses. Many of the teaching labs are outfitted with state-of-the-art equipment, which gives you the opportunity to learn on the same type of apparatuses you would use in research laboratories.

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Courses offered are intended to meet the needs of students preparing themselves for careers in the biological and related sciences, or who want a knowledge of the life sciences as part of their general education and/or to satisfy science requirements in other departments or programs.
A specialized education provides our students with the ability to directly focus on areas that they’re most interested in.
Students are offered the opportunity to take part in ground-breaking research.
Marshall University offers an accelerated path for students in the Biological Sciences, B.S. degree program to its two Master’s degree programs:
Undergraduates accepted to an Accelerated Master’s Degree (AMD) program can begin taking graduate coursework while still in the B.S. program. These graduate credits can be taken in their senior year up to a maximum of 12 hours in place of electives. AMD will facilitate an easy and fast transition into the graduates program.
Undergraduates accepted to an Accelerated Master’s Degree program can begin taking master’s level classes while still in the undergraduate program. Up to 12 graduate credits can be used to fulfill requirements for both the undergraduate and the master’s degrees, effectively reducing the cost of, and time to, degree. Graduates of this program will be prepared for direct entry into the job market or continuation of graduate study towards an M.D. or Ph.D or other professional program.
A student can complete the bachelor’s degree in Biological Sciences by substituting twelve 500- and 600-level graduate credits (that will apply towards the master’s degree) for 12 hours of 400-level credits that were required at the undergraduate level. All BSC 400-level courses are co-listed as 500-level courses. In each area of emphasis, students may select 500-level electives in lieu of 400-level courses to satisfy the master’s degree. Alternately, a student who chooses not to pursue an area of emphasis may chose 500- or 600-level courses to satisfy credits that will apply to the master’s degree.
Eligibility Requirements for the Accelerated Master’s Degree Program
- completed at least 90 hours toward the bachelor’s degree;
- at least a 3.30 overall undergraduate GPA;
- at least a 3.30 GPA in the major;
- minimum composite verbal and quantitative GRE test scores of 300;
- three strong letters of recommendation.
- Doctor
- Dentist
- Optometrist
- Pharmacist
- Teacher
- Veterinarian
- Lab Technician
- Army Corps of Engineers Specialist