Marshall University’s graduate MA degree in Biological Sciences is based on advanced coursework and may include a smaller research project. Biological Sciences majors in the Master of Arts program do not write a thesis, but a passing grade on a comprehensive oral exam is required.
An MA degree at Marshall provides additional training and education that may help students with admission to professional schools (e.g., medical, dental, etc.). This master’s in Biological Sciences degree program also can assist undecided students in focusing their career or educational goals. If an MA in Biological Sciences student becomes interested in a specific research area, and is accepted into a faculty member’s lab, the MA track can be converted into Marshall’s Master of Science (MS) in Biological Sciences degree track.
The Department of Biological Sciences at Marshall University is diverse and offers biology students opportunities openings to do coursework, research and discussion in a range of related areas: neuroscience and endocrinology, physiology, microbiology, cell and molecular biology, ecology and conservation biology, genetics and systematics, plant biology, paleontology and evolution.
This means the Biological Sciences department can provide mentors for biology students in numerous disciplines, as well as opportunities to collaborate across sub-disciplines. In addition, students who are still exploring career choices can enjoy a broad experience that will help them find their passion.
Marshall offers competitively awarded stipends and tuition waivers to help ease the financial burden of achieving a biology master’s degree.

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The master’s in Biological Sciences program at Marshall provides personalized mentorship to ensure that students achieve their personal goals. This graduate degree in Biological Sciences is not a one-size-fits-all program with limited direct faculty mentorship. Biology students are able to work directly with a faculty mentor in the Department of Biological Sciences who can provide the intellectual and career advice that’s pertinent to a student’s future education and career plans.
Faculty in biology master’s degree programs at Marshall encourage MA students to engage in original research with faculty mentors. The Biological Sciences MA program offers several paths that are more flexible than the full-time Master of Science (MS) track so students can enter labs and gain technical and intellectual experience. Research experience is one of the strongest aspects of a CV or resume when applying for professional schools and many jobs.
All graduate faculty in the Department of Biological Sciences hold PhDs in their areas of expertise, and are passionate about their research and about training the next generation of scientists, educators and professionals. The biology department has a strong track record of helping students successfully enter the work force and professional programs.
Marshall University offers an accelerated path for students to obtain a bachelor’s and master’s degree on an accelerated path. It is offered as an accelerated bachelor’s plus master’s degree with:
Undergraduates accepted to an Accelerated Master’s Degree (AMD) program can begin taking graduate coursework while still in the B.S. program. These graduate credits can be taken in their senior year up to a maximum of 12 hours in place of electives. AMD will facilitate an easy and fast transition into the graduates program.
Undergraduates accepted to an Accelerated Master’s Degree program can begin taking master’s level classes while still in the undergraduate program. Up to 12 graduate credits can be used to fulfill requirements for both the undergraduate and the master’s degrees, effectively reducing the cost of, and time to, degree. Graduates of this program will be prepared for direct entry into the job market or continuation of graduate study towards an M.D. or Ph.D or other professional program.
A student can complete the bachelor’s degree in Biological Sciences by substituting twelve 500- and 600-level graduate credits (that will apply towards the master’s degree) for 12 hours of 400-level credits that were required at the undergraduate level. All BSC 400-level courses are co-listed as 500-level courses. In each area of emphasis, students may select 500-level electives in lieu of 400-level courses to satisfy the master’s degree. Alternately, a student who chooses not to pursue an area of emphasis may chose 500- or 600-level courses to satisfy credits that will apply to the master’s degree.
Eligibility Requirements for the Accelerated Master’s Degree Program
- completed at least 90 hours toward the bachelor’s degree;
- at least a 3.30 overall undergraduate GPA;
- at least a 3.30 GPA in the major;
- minimum composite verbal and quantitative GRE test scores of 300;
- three strong letters of recommendation.
- Environmental
- Wildlife
- Forest Management
- Conservation
- Bioengineering
- Genetic Technologies
- Drug Development
- STEM educator