The BA/BS to BSN program provides students like you with a Bachelors of Arts (BA) or Bachelor of Science (BS) degree the opportunity to obtain a bachelor’s degree in nursing (BSN) in 16 months of full-time study. The program is housed on the South Charleston campus. Classes are a mix of day, afternoon and evening classes starting each spring. Classes are taught in person on the South Charleston campus and via teams to the South Charleston Campus from the Huntington campus. A few classes will be online (100% asynchronous) or hybrid (a mix of asynchronous online and televised to South Charleston via Microsoft Teams). Marshall University nursing is accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing.
The BSN program boasts a 2023 NCLEX passage rate of 100% and a completion rate of 45.79%.
Read more about the BA/BS to BSN admissions process.

The program provides those with a previous B.A. or B.S. degree the opportunity to obtain a B.S.N. degree in just 16 months.
The school of nursing maintains connections with many healthcare agencies throughout the region, allowing for clinical practice throughout the area.
The B.S.N. program is accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing Inc.
- Registered Nurse
- Nurse Manager
- Clinical Nurse Specialist
- Nursing Director
- Quality Assurance or Improvement Coordinator
- Clinical Research Nurse
- Case Management Nurse
Admission Criteria
- Earned baccalaureate degree from an accepted, accredited higher education institution.
- A minimum overall college GPA of 3.0 and a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher in required pre-requisite courses, both on a 4.0 scale.
- Applicants with less than an overall college 3.0 GPA or cumulative 3.0 GPA in required prerequisite courses may be considered for admission on a case-by-case basis, as capacity allows.
- The BA/BS to BSN program does not accept credits from previous nursing courses taken; accordingly, 100% of the nursing credits for the BA/BS to BSN degree will be earned at Marshall University.
- Applicants must be admitted to Marshall University, as degree-seeking transfer students, prior to applying to the BA/BS to BSN program.
- All required pre-requisite non-nursing courses must be completed with a grade of C or better.
Pre-requisite courses include English Composition (6); Marshall University Math 121 or higher (or equivalent) (3); Introductory Psychology (3); Introductory Chemistry (3); Developmental Psychology (3) or Human Growth and Development (3); Human Anatomy (3-4); Human Physiology (3-4); Microbiology (3-4); Statistics at 200 level or higher (3); and Nutrition (3)
Applications for the BA/BS to BSN Program are considered for admission for the spring semester only, and all materials must be received in the Marshall University Admissions Office and the School of Nursing prior to applicant review. The application period runs July 15th – September 15th only. Admission is selective and competitive. Applications may be accepted and reviewed after September 15 at the discretion of the program. The total number of students admitted to the program is based on available clinical facilities and faculty.
Read more about the BA/BS to BSN admissions process.