The presidents from 10 public higher education institutions today announced that the Alliance for the Economic Development for Southern West Virginia (Alliance) is teaming up with N3, a global leader in sales and marketing strategy execution, to connect graduates with job opportunities in Charleston,.
“Partnering with businesses and connecting West Virginians with available job opportunities is what the Alliance is all about,” chair of the Alliance Marshall University President Jerry Gilbert said. “One of the Alliance’s main goals is to keep our students here in West Virginia and by highlighting good companies, like N3, it is a meaningful way to show recent graduates that there are real opportunities in our state and they don’t have to move to North Carolina or Ohio to find jobs, because we have them right here at home. It is really simple: We have a diverse, talented job pool and West Virginia employers need these individuals to operate and run their businesses, so the Alliance is just acting as a facilitator and connecting the two.”
This partnership entails the higher education institutions posting the N3 job positions, hosting N3 leadership on campus, sharing N3 job descriptions on social media and pushing out job opportunities through the institutions’ career services departments to student and alumni networks.
“N3 continues to expand our client roster globally and West Virginia represents a strategic location for us and for our clients,” N3 CEO Jeff Laue said. “Our West Virginia employees demonstrate an outstanding work ethic and commitment to quality that validates our decision to expand in Charleston. We are looking forward to growing our office there and this partnership represents a great opportunity for our employees and the state.”
Vice President of Strategy and Operations for N3 Ken Boggs said, “I appreciate the Alliance and the higher education institutions’ presidents for partnering with us. N3 is a great company to work for and we are global. We selected Charleston as the latest addition to N3’s global operations because of the dedicated and hardworking workforce, and we are very hopeful for a bright future here in the Mountain State.”
Vice Chair of the Alliance West Virginia State University President Anthony Jenkins stated, “Together we are using our resources to connect potential employees to employers. West Virginia is prime for economic growth and the first step to capturing this much-needed reality is that we, as higher education institutions, must be proactive in our efforts to partner with companies doing business in our state with state officials to capture new companies in the future. Partnering with N3 is a perfect project for the Alliance.”
The Alliance is a joint venture between southern West Virginia’s 10 public colleges and universities to better connect the educational resources and workforce training offered in Southern West Virginia to promote the region, eliminate redundancies and share best practices, improve the quality of life for area residents, create jobs, keep our talent pool in the state and revitalize southern communities.
The partner institutions include: Bluefield State College, BridgeValley Community and Technical College, Concord University, Marshall University, Mountwest Community & Technical College, New River Community and Technical College, Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College, West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine, West Virginia State University and West Virginia University Institute of Technology.
The Alliance is focused on a 21-county area, including Boone, Cabell, Clay, Fayette, Greenbrier, Kanawha, Lincoln, Logan, Mason, McDowell, Mercer, Mingo, Monroe, Nicholas, Pocahontas, Putnam, Raleigh, Summers, Wayne, Webster, and Wyoming counties.
View the N3 job posting here: http://careerportal.n3results.com/#/jobs.
If businesses leaders have job openings that they would like for the Alliance to share, please email the information along with the company’s contact information to wvsouthernalliance@gmail.com.