Return-to-Playing Information

Bell Cover

The Marshall Band Department Return to Playing plan is designed to give our students the opportunity to perform in a safe and healthy environment. Our goal is to provide clear policy guidelines for the operation of the Marshall University Instrumental Concert Ensembles during the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. This policy is intended to act as a supplement to current best practice guidelines for handling the COVID-19 pandemic from agencies such as the Marshall Health and Safety Department, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the World Health Organization (WHO). More detailed information will be shared with students and staff and is subject to change at any time.


In response to the current pandemic, a cohort of music organizations launched a study into aerosol distribution for musicians. The preliminary results have helped us guide our return-to-playing procedures.

More information and results of this research are available on the NFHS website

Athletic Bands

  • All rehearsals will be held outside
  • Students will be screened for symptoms and temperature prior to each rehearsal
  • Musician facemasks that allow students to play while keeping on a face covering
  • Bell covers to help stop particles from escaping from the instrument
  • Restricted access to the Henderson Center Band Complex
  • Mobile devices for learning music and drill that will reduce the need for paper music and sharing stands
  • Physical distancing in rehearsals, performances, and in the stadium
  • 30 minutes of playing followed by at least 5 minutes to allow aerosols to disperse

Concert Bands

  •  The large ensembles will divide into smaller chamber groups. A schedule will be
    distributed to the students, so they are only present in the classroom when needed.
  • Band rehearsals will be maximum of 30-minutes with a 30-minute break between each
    rehearsal on the same day.
  • Chairs will be placed 6’ apart.
  • Chairs will be set out and torn down by a graduate student prior to each rehearsal using
  • Doors will be propped open.
  • Students will use separate doors for entrance and exit. Students will be required to
    sanitize their hands upon entering and exiting the room.
  • Students will use Clorox wipes or paper towels with spray disinfectant to clean their
    chair and stand before and after each rehearsal.
  • Each student will be provided with sheet music and no sharing of music will be allowed.
  • Students will be assigned a wire music stand to use at each rehearsal. They will be
    responsible for bringing their stand to each rehearsal. No sharing of music stands will be
  • Musician face masks will be used


  • Must provide their own mallets/sticks.
  • Shared instruments must be thoroughly cleaned between use.


  • Players must bring something to dispose of condensation (i.e., towel, container with
    absorbent material inside).
  • Brass players must use a bell cover.
  • No sharing of instruments.


  • Must provide paper to clear water from keys. They will not be allowed to blow moisture from the key.
  • Players will be encouraged to purchase a sock for their instrument
  • No sharing of instruments.


  • Conductor will wear a facemask at all times.
  • Conductor will be a minimum of 10’ from first row.
  • Voice amplification will be provided.

Support the Marching Thunder

2024-25 Wind Band Concert Series

October 9th – Symphonic Band & Wind Symphony

November 21st – Wind Symphony

December 5th – Symphonic Band

February 19th – Wind Symphony (HSHB)

February 20th – Symphonic Band (HSHB)

April 30th – Wind Symphony

May 1st – Symphonic Band

All concerts can be found on our YouTube Channel here.

All concerts start at 7:30 unless otherwise noted.

The Latest

Marching Thunder Events

Fall 2024 Performance Schedule
Next season’s game and performance schedule will be determined in the spring. Please stay tuned.

31st – Home vs. Stoney Brook (Band Day)

7th – Away game vs. VT
28th – Home vs. W. Michigan

5th – Home vs. App State (Homecoming)
17th (Thurs) – Home vs. GA St.
26th – Tri-State Marching Championships

2nd – Home vs. ULM
16th – Home vs. CCU

7th – Possible SBC Championships
Possible Post-season Bowl Game