Title | Description | Delivery Method | Duration |
Check-in Check-out *Tier 2 Readiness Webinar includes CICO |
This intervention consists of matching students up with caring adults who help focus their daily goals and provide support throughout the day. This training will talk about the implementation and how to do CICO with fidelity. | Face to Face Webinar |
2.5 hours |
Classroom Management | Classroom management is foundational to a successful classroom. This training uses Tim Knoster’s book, Effective Classroom Management, to guide our participants on best practices to use in the classroom within the framework of a multi-tiered system. Education professionals will learn about building rapport, building behavioral expectations, using positive reinforcement, the importance of classroom climate, and what to do next when challenges occur. | Face to Face | 2.5 hours |
Tier 2 Readiness | Is your school ready to implement Tier 2 | Webinar | 30 minutes |
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