Student Emergency Loans

What is an emergency loan?

The Marshall University Emergency Loan Program is available to continuing Marshall students who have experienced an unforeseen financial emergency.  Students may receive one loan per semester, and the loan amount will not exceed $250.  Failure to repay the loan in full by the due date will result in the student becoming ineligible for any future emergency loans.  In addition, a financial hold will be placed on the student’s account restricting future registration and University services.

Am I eligible for an emergency loan?

In order to qualify for an emergency loan, the applicant must meet the following criteria:

  1. Must demonstrate the need for an emergency loan by providing documentation verifying the emergency.
  2. Must demonstrate the ability to repay the loan from future resources.
  3. Must be a continuing student at Marshall University.
  4. Must be currently enrolled as a degree seeking student.
  5. Must not have any outstanding institutional charges such as tuition, fees, or fines.  Students taking advantage of the OASIS Payment Plan are not eligible for an emergency loan unless all tuition and fees are paid in full.
  6. Must have a good credit record with the University and be making satisfactory academic progress.
  7. Approval of applications and release of emergency loan funds may necessitate the final approval by the Director of Student   Financial  Systems/Bursar.

How do I apply for an emergency loan?

Emergency loan applications may be obtained on or after the first day of classes, but no later than forty-five days prior to the end of the semester.

When do I pick up my check?

If the emergency loan request is approved, the student may pick up the loan check from the Marshall University Office of the Bursar cashier window after 3:00 P. M. the following day.


Apply for an Emergency Loan

Student Financial Aid Refunds

Spring 2025 refunds for overpayment of financial aid released to your student account will be processed beginning on the first day of the term.

Frequently Asked Refund Questions (Marshall e-Refund)


Important Due Dates

Spring 2025 Payment Plans Due Dates:

  1. First Payment Due: In accordance with published tuition due dates
  2. Second Payment Due: Friday, Jan 24
  3. Third Payment Due: Monday, Feb 24
  4. Final Payment Due: Monday, Mar 24


Summer 2025 Payment Plans Due Dates:

  1. First Payment Due: In accordance with published tuition due dates
  2. Second Payment Due: Mon, June 16
  3. Final Payment Due: Wed, July 16


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Credit Card Payments

Please click below for important information on payment by credit card.

Information on Paying by Credit Card