Dr. Mohammed Ferdjallah

Assistant Professor - Department of Computer Sciences and Electrical Engineering
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WAEC 3105


Dr. Mohammed Ferdjallah is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science & Electrical Engineering at Marshall University. Dr. Mohammed Ferdjallah received his PhD degree in Electrical and Computer and MS degree in Biomedical Engineering from The University of Texas Austin. He also received his MD degree from the International University of the Health Sciences. He has a multidisciplinary expertise in image & signal processing, computational modeling, and statistical data analysis. As an electrical and biomedical engineering scientist, he conducted research in computer modeling of the brain, cranial electrical stimulation (CES), electrical impedance tomography, electrode design, and EMG and muscle action potentials and ions channels simulation & modeling. His technical research interests include digital systems, embedded, systems, computer architecture, adaptive and system identification, modeling and simulation, and signal and image processing. His clinical research interests include impacts of chronic diseases in elderly (such as Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, and diabetes), innovative technology for drug addiction treatment and prevention, medical records, comparative outcomes research, and biomedical sciences. He has successfully published several peer-reviewed articles in biomedical sciences, physical medicine and rehabilitation, modeling and simulation of physiological signals, motion analysis, and engineering.

M.D., International University of Health Sciences, School of Medicine, St. Kitts
Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, The University of Texas Austin
M.S., Biomedical Engineering, The University of Texas Austin
B.S., Electrical Engineering, College Polytechnic Algiers (ENPA)
Digital Design & Embedded Systems
Computer Architecture & Organization
Analog & Digital Communications
Signals & Systems
Signal & Image Processing
Electromagnetic Field Theory & Application
Electric & Electronic Circuits
Matlab Programming, Assembly Programming, & PLC Programming
Biomedical Signal & Image Processing
Health Information Systems
Biomedical Systems & Instrumentation
Human Motion Analysis & Balance Control
Introduction to Physiology & Anatomy
Medical Terminology
Introduction to Biochemistry & Pharmacology
“Thermal Analysis Simulation of Thermocouples & MATLAB Interface for Simulation”, BWXT Y-12, Principal Investigator, $34,000, 01/01/06-12/31/06.
“Research Experience for Undergraduate (REU) in Wireless Biosensor”, National Science Foundation (NSF), Principal Investigator, $225,500, 06/01/04-08/01/06.
“Innovation & Entrepreneurship in Product Development and Commercialization”, National Science Foundation, Senior Consulting Personnel, $12,000, 09/01/05-08/31/07.
“Pediatric Electromyographic Topography for Surface and Deep Muscle Activity Analysis”, Shriners Hospitals, Principal Investigator, $95,749, 01/01/03-12/31/05.
“Assistive Device Dependent Cerebral Palsy Children, Postural Stability & Motor Function Evaluation”, Shriners Hospitals, Principal Investigator, $75,733, 01/01/03-12/31/05.
“Re-Configurable Embedded System Interface for Wireless Biosensor”, SARIF-UT, Principal Investigator, $3,000, 06/01/03-08/31/03.
“Nerve Conduction Topography in Geriatric Hand Assessment: A Pilot Study”, VA, Co-Principal Investigator, $50,000, 04/01/01-03/31/02.
“Postural Stability, Gait Analysis, and Functional Measurement Instruments in Children with Cerebral Palsy; A study of Correlation”, Shriners Hospitals, Co-Investigator, $161,829, 01/01/99-12/31/01.
2003-present, Senior Member of IEEE
2004-2005, Chair of East Tennessee EMBS Chapter
Reviewer for Journal of Rehabilitation Research & Development
Reviewer for Journal of Clinical Biomechanics
Reviewer for IEEE Biomedical Engineering Transactions
Reviewer for IEEE Signal Processing Transactions
Reviewer for IEEE, International Midwest Symposium on Circuits & Systems
Reviewer for IEE, Proceedings on Vision, Image, and Signal Processing
Reviewer for IASTED, International Association of Science & Technology Development
M. Ferdjallah, “Introduction to Digital Systems: Modeling, Synthesis, and Simulation Using VHDL”, 2010, Wiley, ISBN 978-0-470-90055-0.
M. Ferdjallah, “Embedded Computing Using the MC68HC12 Microcontroller”, Textbook for Embedded Systems, 2017.
G. Kim, M. Ferdjallah, and F.D. McKenzie, “An Empirical Muscle Intracellular Action Potential Model with Multiple Erlang Probability Density Functions based on a Modified Newton Method”, Biomedical Engineering and Computational Biology, Vol. (5), pp. 33-42, 2013.
G. Kim, M. Ferdjallah, and G.F. Harris, “Fast Computational Analysis of Sway Area Using Center of Pressure Data in Normal Children and Children with Cerebral Palsy”, American Journal of Biomedical Science, Vol. 1(4), pp. 364-372, 2009.
O. Sezer and M. Ferdjallah, “A Self-Adjusting Simple Hyperstable Adaptive Recursive Algorithm,” International Journal of Modelling and Simulation, Vol. 27(2), pp. 164-170, 2007.
M. Ferdjallah, J.J. Wertsch, M.A. Ahad, G. Phongsamart, and K.C. McGill, “Nerve Conduction Topography In Geriatric Hand Assessment”, Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development, 42(6), pp. 821-828, 2006.
H.F. Huq, S.K. Islam, and M. Ferdjallah, “Computer-Based Exercise: Therapeutic Program to Prevent Childhood Obesity”, The Osmani Medical Teachers Association Journal (OMTAJ), Vol. 2(2), pp. 80-82, 2003.
G. Phongsamart, J.J. Wertsch, M. Ferdjallah, J.C. King, and A.D. Foster, “Effect of Reference Electrode Position on the Compound Muscle Action Potential (CMAP) Onset Latency,” Muscle & Nerve, Vol. 25, No. 6, pp. 816-821, 2002.
M. Ferdjallah, G.F. Harris, P.A. Smith, and J.J. Wertsch, “Analysis of Postural Control Strategies in Quiet Standing in Normal Children and Children with Cerebral Palsy,” Clinical Biomechanics, Vol. 17, pp. 203-210, 2002.
M. Ferdjallah, J.J. Wertsch, and R. Shaker, “Spectral Analysis of Surface EMG of Upper Esophageal Sphincter Opening Muscles During Head Lift Exercise,” Journal of Rehabilitation Research & Development, Vol. 37, No. 3, pp. 335-340, 2000.
M. Ferdjallah, G.F. Harris, and J.J. Wertsch, “Instantaneous Postural Stability Characterization Using Time-Frequency Analysis,” Gait & Posture, Vol. 10, pp. 129-134, 1999.
M. Ferdjallah, J.J. Wertsch, and G.F. Harris, “Effects of Surface Electrode Size on Computer Simulated Surface Motor Unit Potentials,” Electromyography and Clinical Neurophysiology, Vol. 39, pp. 259-265, 1999.
M. Ferdjallah, F.X. Bostick, and R.E. Barr, “Potential and Current Density Distributions of the Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation (CES) in a Four Concentric Spherical Model,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 43, No. 9, pp. 939-943, 1996.
M. Ferdjallah, and R.E. Barr, “Sinc Transform for the Analysis of Electroencephalographic Activity,” Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, Vol. 43, No. 6, pp. 431-435, 1996.
M. Ferdjallah, and R.E. Barr, “Adaptive Digital Notch Filter on the Unit Circle for the Removal of Powerline Noise from Biomedical Signals,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 41, No. 6, pp. 529-536, 1994.
M. Ferdjallah and R.E. Barr, “Frequency Domain Digital Filtering Techniques for the Removal of Powerline Noise with Application to the Electrocardiogram,” Computers and Biomedical Research, Vol. 23 pp. 473-489, 1990.
G. Kim and M. Ferdjallah, “Non-Linear Least Square Optimization of Intracellular Action Potential Model Using a Series of Modified Gamma Distribution Functions”, CompIMAGE 2010, May 05-07, Buffalo-Niagara, NY.
G. Kim, M. Ferdjallah, and G.F. Harris, “Fast Analysis of Center of Pressure Data in Normal Children and Children with Cerebral Palsy”, 25th Southern Biomedical Engineering Conference, May. 15-17, 2009, Miami, FL.
M.M. Ahad, J.J. Wertsch, and M. Ferdjallah, “Effects of Motor Unit Distribution on Computer Generated Action Potentials”, Conference Proceedings of American Association of Neuromuscular & Electrodiagnostic Medicine (AANEM), Washington DC, October 2006. This publication won the AANEM President’s Research Initiative Award.
M.M. Rahman, M. Ferdjallah, and G.F. Harris, “Design of Two-Dimensional Grid Electrodes Considering Spatial Characteristics of SEMG Signal,” 2nd International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, Washington DC, pp. 297-300, 2005.
M.A. Ahad, A. Al Zaman, M. Ferdjallah, and J.J. Wertsch, “Analysis of Computer-Generated Muscle Action Potentials during Simulated Aging Process”, 48th IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits & Systems, August 7-10, 2005, Cincinnati, OH.
M.A. Ahad, A. Al Zaman, M. Ferdjallah, and G.F. Harris, “Multichannel Grid Electrode Interface for EMG Mapping”, 48th IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits & Systems, August 7-10, 2005, Cincinnati, OH.
O. Sezer and M. Ferdjallah, “Adaptive IIR Constrained LMS Algorithm for Multiple Narrowband Interference Rejection,” Proceedings IEEE Southeast Conference 2005, pp. 79-83, April 8-10, 2005, Fort Lauderdale, FL.
O. Sezer and M. Ferdjallah, “Adaptive Autoregressive Model for the Analysis of Center of Pressure in Healthy Subjects during Quiet Standing,” 48th IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits & Systems, August 7-10, 2005, Cincinnati, OH.
O. Sezer and M. Ferdjallah, “A Fast Converging and Self-Adjusting SHARF Algorithm,” Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, vol. 4, pp. 377-380, March 19-23, 2005, Philadelphia, PA.
M.M. Rahman and M. Ferdjallah, “Design of Two-Dimensional Grid Electrodes Considering Spatial Characteristics for SEMG Signals”, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Philadelphia, PA, March 19-23, 2005.
M. Ferdjallah, J.J. Wertsch, and G.F. Harris, “Simulation of Muscle Action Potentials for Grid Electrode Design,” Muscle & Nerve, Vol. 20, No. 8, pp. 1087-1088, 1997.
J.J. Wertsch, M. Ferdjallah, R. Merletti, and G.F. Harris, “Surface Electromyography: Possibilities, Limitation, and Future Outlooks,” 19th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Chicago, IL, 1997.
M. Ferdjallah, R.E. Barr, and D. Jansen, “Introduction to Digital Signal Processing for the General Engineering Student,” The 94 Gulf Southwest Section Meeting, American Society of Engineering Education, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 1994.
M. Ferdjallah and R.E. Barr, “Enhanced Peak Detection Analysis of Electroencephalographic Activity Using a fast Sinc Function,” The 30th Annual Rocky Mountain Bioengineering Symposium, vol. 29, San Antonio, Texas, pp. 103-110, 1993.
M. Ferdjallah, R.E. Barr, and D. Harris, “Acquisition and Analysis of Electroencephalographic Activity During Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation (CES) in Normal Subject,” The Tenth Southern Biomedical Engineering Conference, Atlanta Georgia, pp. 58-61, 1991.