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Marshall computer science students win awards


Eastern Kentucky University’s 26th Annual Symposium in The Mathematical, Statistical and Computer Sciences took place on March 29, 2013. Six Computer Science students presented their five projects in the contest.

The students and their projects are

  1. Alex King (Sr): Lockout Keystroke Biometrics
  2. Nicholas Riggelman (Sr): Quality Control System for Non-Profit Organization
  3. Brandon Posey (Jr): Spotection Parking Spot Detection System
  4. Keyur Patel (Jr) and Daniel Davis (Fr): HYDRA High Yield Display Wall for Research Activity
  5. Dylan Watson (So): MUBuddy Dynamic Time Management Android Application

CITE students did a great job, Keyur and Daniel won 1st place for Kennamer room, Brandon Posey won 2nd place for Jaggers room, and Alex King won 3rd place for Jaggers room under the Undergraduate Student Presentation.


Pictures From The Event

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