As Co-Op Coordinator for the College of Engineering and Computer Sciences (CECS) at Marshall University, I would like to congratulate you on your decision to join our team!
To further assist you on your career pathway, the CECS has developed an experiential program of cooperative education known as Co-Op. Co-Op is a full-time, paid work experience in your field of study. The goal of Co-Op is to give you the opportunity to connect with industry and integrate academics into a professional setting. This will help you to become a marketable employee in the competitive workplace and build relationships with potential employers. There are employer partners looking to connect with the enthusiastic and talented students at Marshall University. Upon the completion of two semesters with Co-Op, a certificate will be awarded, and it will be reflected on your transcript.
With the growing requirement of actual work experience in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields, Co-Op will give you the necessary skills to enter the job market upon graduation.
We are excited to assist you on your educational journey here at Marshall University!
Best. Decision. Ever.
Tanner G. Drown
Co-Op Coordinator
- CECS Co-Op Placement Form
- CECS Student Agreement Form
- CECS Employer Agreement Form
- Employer FAQ
- Student FAQ
- Student Handbook
- Additional Course Request