Hyperspectral Imaging Instrument “Cytoviva”
Dr. Nasim Nosoudi, Dr. Masudur Rahman
The Cytoviva is a hyperspectral imaging instrument that allows imaging of nanoparticles without tagging them with fluorophores. This includes CytoViva’s patented enhanced darkfield microscope optics, fluorescence and standard brightfield microscopy.
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NASA West Virginia Space Consortium for drone research projects
Drs. Cong Pu, Haroon Malik, Imtias Ahmed
Dr. Cong Pu and Dr. Haroon Malik, who both teach computer science in the College of Engineering and Computer Sciences, have been awarded EPSCoR Seed Grants from the NASA West Virginia Space Grant Consortium. Dr. Imtiaz Ahmed, who teaches electrical engineering, was awarded the Research Initiation Grant. More to read…

Parkinson’s disease
Dr. Simon Shim
Dr. Shim working with Dr. Sanghoon Lee in Computer Sciences studies Parkinson’s disease to localize the molecular markers in the micrographs displaying cardinal symptoms of this age-related neurodegenerative disease using an algorithm to be more effective in image analysis and quantification. The BME students Hannah Painter and Christoph Hart are involved in this project and the college of engineering and computer sciences (CECS). More to read…

A Survey of Mobile Crowdsensing Techniques: A Critical Component for The Internet of Things
Dr. Husnu Narman
Dr. Narman published a survey paper to review the literature : 1) to learn what are the problems existing in Mobile Crowdsensing Techniques (MCS) and how the proposed techniques have helped to develop solutions in the past; 2) to learn the strengths and limitations of different MCS techniques for smartly managing the resource to achieve low cost and good QoS, and how can we use those techniques to better solve similar problems in the future in different paradigms such as the IoT; 3) to provide guidance on the future research directions of MCS for IoT. More to read…

Fellow at Summer Faculty Research at the Naval Special Warfare Center
Dr. Sungmin Youn
Dr. Sungmin Youn participates Summer Faculty Research Program (SFRP) supported by the U.S. Department of Defense, Office of Naval Research as a Fellow of the program conducting research at the Naval Special Warfare Center in Philadelphia, PA during Summer 2020.

Hatchetman Attack: A Denial of Service Attack Against Routing in Low Power and Lossy Networks
Dr. Cong
Dr. Cong Pu presented his research paper “Hatchetman Attack: A Denial of Service Attack Against Routing in Low Power and Lossy Networks” at the 5th IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Cloud Computing (IEEE CSCloud 2018) in Shanghai, China. The paper presents a new type of DoS attack, called hatchetman attack, in promptly emerging RPL-based Low Power and Lossy Networks.

Reprogram cells using electrospinning
Dr. Nasim Nosoudi
Dr. Nosoudi received interdisciplinary collaborative grant to develop an equipment grant program, materializing the induction of the cutting imaging device to study the cellular identification nanoparticles without labeling them. She has applied for a patent on her innovative method to reprogram cells using electrospinning collaborating with Dr. Philippe Georgel (Biological Sciences) for grant from NIH.

Modular press-brake-formed steel tub girder bridges
Dr. Greg Michaelson
Dr. Greg Michaelson received a funding renewal from the American Iron and Steel Institute for his involvement in a research project related to modular press-brake-formed steel tub girder bridges.

Uncertainty in the life cycle greenhouse has emissions and cost of HDPE pipe alternatives
Dr. Sukjoon Na
Dr. Na has collaboratively worked with faculty members at Drexel University on USEPA’s “People, Prosperity, and the Planet” grant application and publication of “Uncertainty in the life cycle greenhouse gas emissions and costs of HDPE pipe alternatives” in journal Resources, Conservation and Recycling (Elsevier) on USEPA’s “People, Prosperity, and the Planet” grant application.

Heuristic-based detection scheme against the suppression attack in MPL-based LLNs
Dr. Cong Pu
A heuristic-based detection scheme against the suppression attack in MPL-based LLNs, where a malicious node multi-casts a series of spoof data messages with continuous sequence numbers was developed to prevent normal nodes from accepting valid data messages and cause them to delete cached data messages.

Popularity-aware Multi-failure Resilient and Cost-effective Replication for High Data Durability in Cloud Storage
Dr. Husnu Narman
Dr. Narman designed a cost-effective replication scheme that can achieve high data durability and availability while reducing storage cost and bandwidth cost caused by replication using a popularity-aware multi-failure resilient and cost-effective replication scheme (PMCR) (published in IEEE Transaction on Parallel and Distributed Systems).

International Conference on Emerging Data and Industry 4.0 (EDI40)
Dr. Haroon Malik
Dr. Haroon Malik serves as the Program-Chair of the International Conference on Emerging Data and Industry 4.0 (EDI40), a leading international conference for academia, industry and government to share new ideas, original research results and practical development experiences interested in enhancing their digital strategies.

IP Reputation Checking Database
Dr. Husnu Narman
Dr. Narman, Miss Geanina Florentina Tambaliuc, and Jared Lee Lewis, working with West Virginia Office of Technology, created a web-based application that can serve as IP / URL checking tool that gathering information from a number of databases. If the IP / URL information is not listed in any databases, Machine Learning techniques are used to predict the safety level of the interested IP / URL.