Dr. Mohammed Ferdjallah is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science & Electrical Engineering at Marshall University. Dr. Mohammed Ferdjallah received his PhD degree in Electrical and Computer and MS degree in Biomedical Engineering from The University of Texas Austin. He also received his MD degree from the International University of the Health Sciences. He has a multidisciplinary expertise in image & signal processing, computational modeling, and statistical data analysis. As an electrical and biomedical engineering scientist, he conducted research in computer modeling of the brain, cranial electrical stimulation (CES), electrical impedance tomography, electrode design, and EMG and muscle action potentials and ions channels simulation & modeling. His technical research interests include digital systems, embedded, systems, computer architecture, adaptive and system identification, modeling and simulation, and signal and image processing. His clinical research interests include impacts of chronic diseases in elderly (such as Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, and diabetes), innovative technology for drug addiction treatment and prevention, medical records, comparative outcomes research, and biomedical sciences. He has successfully published several peer-reviewed articles in biomedical sciences, physical medicine and rehabilitation, modeling and simulation of physiological signals, motion analysis, and engineering.