Dr. Yousef Fazea

Assistant Professor - Department of Computer Sciences and Electrical Engineering
WAEC 3229


Yousef Fazea is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Sciences and Electrical Engineering at Marshall University, Huntington, West Virginia, USA. He earned his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Universiti Utara Malaysia in 2017. He serves as an editor for numerous esteemed journals and special issues, including a book in Springer Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, the International Journal of Reconfigurable and Embedded Systems, Processes, Quantum Report, Information, Southeast Europe Journal of Soft Computing, Emerging Technologies, and Electronic Integrated Computer Algorithm Journal. With a prolific academic career, Dr. Fazea has published over 60+ peer-reviewed scientific papers indexed in ISI and Scopus databases, authored two books, was editor of a Springer book, contributed five book chapters, and holds a patent. His research excellence has been recognized with best paper awards (IEEE ISCAIE-2017, IEEE ICCIS-2020, Springer IRICT-2023), the John Marshall Research Award 2024, and the Summer Research Award (2022, 2023). He also mentored students for the Summer Undergraduate Research Experience Award 2023, secured a bronze medal at I-RIA-2019, and was 2nd runner-up in the 3MT-2016 competition.

Dr. Fazea is an IEEE Senior Member and has been actively involved in the IEEE Communications Society since 2018 and a member of ISOC since 2014. He is also a member of the Internet Society (ISOC) since 2014 and a member of ISOC New York and Washington, D.C., chapters. He serves as a reviewer for leading journals in Computer Science and Information Technology, including the IEEE Internet of Things Journal, IEEE Internet of Things Magazine, IEEE Access Journal, OSA Optics Express, Elsevier Microelectronics Journal, Elsevier Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Elsevier International Journal of Electronics and Communications, and Fiber and Integrated Optics—Taylor and Francis. Dr. Fazea’s research interests include optical and wireless communications, channel modeling and network security, next-generation computing, and enabling and emerging technologies.

Ph.D. University Utara Malaysia 2017
M.Sc. University Utara Malaysia 2012
B.A University Utara Malaysia 2011
Optical and Wireless Communications, Channel Modeling and Network Security, Next-Generation Computing, Enabling and Emerging Technologies.
Yousef Fazea, Mustafa Muwafak Alobaedy, Mohamed Alsamman, Fathey Mohammed, "Coherence Big Data Space Division Multiplexing ," In 2024 International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications (ISNCC) (pp. 1-4). Washington DC, USA, IEEE, doi: 10.1109/ISNCC62547.2024.10758969(Link)
Yousef Fazea, F. Mohammed and M. Alsamman, "Side-Channel Vulnerabilities in Discrete Ziggurat Sampler in Post-Quantum Cryptography," 2023 3rd IEEE International Conference on Emerging Smart Technologies and Applications (eSmarTA), 2023, pp. 01-08, doi: 10.1109/eSmarTA59349.2023.10293535(Link)
Yousef Fazea, F. R. Annur Sani, F. Mohammed, and M. Simpson, "Exploring Effective Techniques and Approaches for Requirement Elicitation in Software Development: A Critical Review," 2023 3rd IEEE International Conference on Emerging Smart Technologies and Applications (eSmarTA), 2023, pp. 1-8, doi: 10.1109/eSmarTA59349.2023.10293315 (Link)
Yousef Fazea, Fathey Mohammed, Mohammed Alsamman, Omar Dakkak, “Finite Field Multiplication for Supersingular Isogeny Diffie–Hellman in Post-Quantum Cryptosystems” IEEE eSmarTA2022 conference, August 2022, Indexed by Scopus (Link)
Yousef Fazea, Fathey Mohammed, Abdulaziz Al-Nahari “A Review on 5G Technology in IoT-Application Based on Light Fidelity (Li-Fi) Indoor Communication”. Advances on Intelligent Informatics and Computing, pp 371–384, 2022, Indexed in Scopus (Link)
Yousef Fazea, A. Amphawan, Y. Al-Gumaei, A. M. Al-Samman, and W. M. Al-Rahmi, "Modes power equalization based-singular value decomposition in mode division multiplexing systems for multi-hungry bandwidth applications," Optical Fiber Technology, vol. 61, p. 102389, 2021, Impact Factor: 2.141, Indexed by Scopus, (Link)
Yousef Fazea “Mode Division Multiplexing and Dense WDM-PON for Fiber-to-the-Home” Optik, Volume 183, April 2019, Pages 994-998, Impact Factor: 1.191, Indexed by Scopus (Link)
Yousef Fazea “Numerical simulation of helical structure mode-division multiplexing with nonconcentric ring vortices.” Optics Communications, Volume 437, 15 April 2019, Pages 303-311, Impact Factor: 1.887, Indexed by Scopus (Link)
Yousef Fazea, M. S. Sajat, A. Ahmad, and M. M. Alobaedy, "Channel optimization in mode division multiplexing using neural networks," IEEE 14th International Colloquium on Signal Processing & Its Applications (CSPA), 173-175, 2018. Indexed by Scopus (Link)
Yousef Fazea, Angela Amphawan "40Gbit/s MDM-WDM Laguerre-Gaussian Mode with Equalization for Multimode Fiber in Access Networks. Journal of Optical Communications. 39(2), 157 - 184, 2018, Indexed by Scopus. (Link)
Yousef Fazea, Mezhuyevb. V "Selective mode excitation techniques for mode-division multiplexing: A critical review" Optical Fiber Technology, 45(0), 280 - 288, 2018, Impact Factor: 1.642, Indexed by Scopus (Link)
Yousef Fazea, Mustafa Muwafak Alobaedy, Zeyid T. Ibraheem “Performance of a Direct-Detection Spot Mode-Division Multiplexing in Multimode Fiber” Journal of Optical Communications, 2017, Indexed by Scopus (Link)
Yousef Fazea, Angela Amphawan "MDM of Helical-Phased LG Mode in Multimode Fiber with Electronic Dispersion Compensation.” Adv. Sci. Lett. 23, 29–34 (2017), Indexed by Scopus (Link)
Yousef Fazea, Angela Amphawan, Hussein abulrejal "WDM-MDM in Access Networks." to be published in Adv. Sci. Lett, EISSN: 1936-6612, American Scientific Publisher, 2017, Indexed by Scopus, (Link)
Yousef Fazea, Angela Amphawan. "32 channel DQPSK DWDM-PON for local area network using dispersion compensation fiber." In EPJ Web of Conferences, vol. 162, p. 01016. EDP Sciences, 2017, (Link)
Yousef Fazea, Angela Amphawan, Osama Qtaish "Mode Division Multiplexing of Helical-Phased Spot Mode and Donut Mode in Multimode Fiber Interconnects "IEEE Symposium on Computer Applications & Industrial Electronics (ISCAIE 2017) 24th – 25th April, Langkawi, Malaysia, 2017, Best Paper Award, Indexed by Scopus (Link)
Yousef Fazea, Mohd Samsu Sajat, Suwannit Chareen Chit “16-Channels NRZ-DPSK DWDM for Rural Area Networks” International Conference on ICT for Transformation, Sabah, Malaysia, April 5th – 7th 2016, (Link)
Yousef Fazea, and Angela Amphawan "5× 5 25 Gbit/s WDM-MDM." Journal of Optical Communications, vol. 36, no. 4, pp.327-333, 2015, Indexed by Scopus (Link)
Yousef Fazea, Angela Amphawan "Spot Mode Excitation for Multimode Fiber". Fourth International Conference on Internet Applications, Protocols, and Services (NETAPPS2015), 1-3 December, Cyber Jaya, Malaysia, 2015 (Link)
2024: John Marshall Scholar Award
2023: Best paper award Springer IRICT2023
2023: Summer Research Award
2023: Summer Undergraduate Research Experience Award
2023: Nominated for Pickens-Queen Teacher Award
2022: Badge EDUCAUSE Review Author
2022: Summer Research Award
2020: Best Paper Award from IEEE ICCIS2020
2019: IEEE Contribution Award
2019: Bronze Medal I-RIA-2019
2017: Best Paper Award from IEEE ISCAIE2017
2016: A second runner-up in the 3-minutes thesis competition
Guest Editor for Processes, Special Issue "Special Issue "Trends of Machine Learning in Multidisciplinary Engineering Processes", (ISSN 2227-9717) (Link)
Special Guest Editor for Quantum Report Journal “Special Issue "Quantum Computing: A Taxonomy, Systematic Review, and Future Directions", (ISSN 2624-960X) (Link)
Associate Editor of the International Journal of Reconfigurable and Embedded System, 2089-4864 (print), 2722-2608 (online) (Link)
Reviewer for IEEE Internet of Things Journal, IEEE Network Magazine, OSA Optics Express, IEEE Internet of Things Magazine, IEEE Access Journal, Wireless Personal Communications, Microelectronics Journal- Elsevier, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, International Journal of Electronics and Communications-Elsevier, Optik, Fibre and Integrated Optics-Tylor and Francis.
Co-Editor in Chief for Electronic Integrated Computer Algorithm Journal (Link)
Cybersecurity Track Chair for IRICT2023 (Link)
2024 – Date Senior Member of IEEE
2023 - Date ISOC New York Chapter, and ISOC Washington D.C. Chapter (Member Grade)
2022 - Date Internet Society Accessibility Standing Group (Member Grade)
2021 - Date Educause Review (Member Grade)
2015 - Date Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science, IAES (Member Grade)