TA Training: General Safety Rules

Along with proper attire and PPE, general safety rules are needed to help insure students’ safety. These rules are not meant to hinder the students in the lab; rather they are there to help protect the students and ensure that their lab experience is fun and safe.

One of the biggest risk in labs is the risk of heat burns. These burns could result from handling a hot beaker, test tube, or crucible. If a heat source is to be used, you should caution your students that the objects that have been exposed to the heat source are extremely hot and thus should not be touched with the bare hand. For reference, a flame like that on the right has a temperature of about 700 degrees Celsius and makes a noise. If the flame is hard to see, it is about 500 degrees Celsius. A yellow flame has a temperature of around 300 degrees Celsius.

Broken glass is another hazard that occurs in the chemistry laboratory. Frequently this occurs from trying to force glassware into a cork or stopper. You should caution your students that they should never try to force glassware, rather they should use a lubricant and cover the two pieces with a towel while assembling the apparatus. When inserting tubing into stoppers, lubricating tubing as well as wearing gloves or wrapping in a thick cloth will help to protect hands from being cut in the event of the tubing slipping and breaking. Also broken glass should be properly disposed of in broken glass containers that are found in the lab. Remember, if a student does cut his/herself with broken glass, an accident report should be filled out and the student should strongly be urged to go immediately to a physician.

Eating, drinking and the application of cosmetics (including lip balm) is forbidden in areas where hazardous chemicals, biohazards and radioactive materials are used. There is a high risk of these items being contaminated from the chemicals in the laboratory. These activities must be in designated, well defined non-chemical areas that are separated from the lab area by physical barriers such as partitions or filing cabinets.

Practical jokes or other inappropriate and unprofessional behavior in the laboratory setting is forbidden. Avoid distracting or startling any other workers.

There is no smoking throughout the University buildings and applies in all laboratories. The use of smokeless tobacco products is also forbidden.

These are some of the safety rules that are mandated by the CHP. It is your responsibility to make sure they are enforced in your lab. These rules will help make sure your students have a fulfilling and safe laboratory experience.



Contact Us:

Dept. of Chemistry
450 Science Building
Marshall University
1 John Marshall Drive
Huntington, WV 25755

Office Hours:
Mon-Fri 8:00 AM-4:30 PM

Telephone: 304-696-2430
Telephone: 304-696-6738
Facsimile: 304-696-3243
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