If you are sure a true emergency exists, do not hesitate to call Cabell County Emergency. If you are not sure and you want the Campus Security to make the decision as to the appropriate response call Marshall University Campus Security.
Cabell County Emergency
Mobile/Landline: Call 911
Marshall University Fire/Emergency/Campus Security
Mobile/Landline: Call 304-696-4357
When Contacting Emergency Services:
- Give your location and reasoning for the emergency
- Follow instructions given by the person on the line
- Notify the professor in charge, chair of the department, and the administrator immediately
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) Sources
- Acros Organics – search for Acros, Fisher, and Maybridge products
- Airgas – search on pure & mixed gases
- Avantor Performance Materials – search for J.T. Baker and Macron Chemicals
- Canadian Center for Occupational Health & Safety – search by manufacturer/supplier
- Fisher Scientific – search for Fisher and Acros products
- Flinn Scientific – Flinn Scientific SDS
- ILPI – where to find MSDSs on the Internet – search Government & Non-Profit, and Chemical Manufacturers and Suppliers
- MSDS Xchange – offering a free online binder, and product and manufacturer searches
- NIH National Library of Medicine: Hazardous Substances Data Bank
- NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards – info on chemical safety and compatibility
- NJ Department of Health, Right to Know Program: Hazardous Substance Fact Sheets
- NOAA CAMEO Chemicals – online database of hazardous materials
- Praxair – search by product name or P-number to learn about the composition, hazards, storage recommendations, and other critical facts for different gases
- Science Lab – search by CAS, chemical name, or chemical formula
- Sigma-Aldrich – search for Sigma products, registration required
- SIRI MSDS Index – manufacturer/supplier links; search by CAS, chemical name, and NSN
Non-Emergency Telephone Numbers
Poison Control Center: 1-800-222-1222