Employer Internship Benefits

You have the opportunity to gain talent of some of the best and brightest business students and graduates in the area! Organizations and employers that seek out collegiate top talent by preparing students or hiring new graduates will have an immediate and satisfying impact on business performance. From internships, to full-time jobs, the College of Business is here to work with you on identifying your business needs and how our students and graduates can satisfy those needs.

The benefits of hiring an intern

  • Manage training costs
  • Add personnel during peak periods
  • View potential employees in action
  • Retain talent

According to NACE Research’s 2014 Internship & Co-op Survey, employers made full-time offers to almost 65% of their interns, with 80% accepting those offers. Employees who completed an internship are also more likely to be with the company at both one-year and five-year retention benchmarks.

The benefits of hiring an intern or graduate

  • Establish a relationship with the college and university
  • Increase productivity
  • Bring in fresh perspectives
  • Enhance supervisory skills of your staff
  • Create company visibility
  • Develop student/graduate skill sets
  • Cut down on recruitment costs
  • Help to keep college educated talent in our region
  • Give back to the community

By employing College of Business students and graduates, you can help refresh and energize your workplace! Our students and graduates are enthusiastic and ready to prove themselves. They can provide insight and fresh perspectives that can be valuable to your company and its vision.

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LCOB Contact Info

Marshall University
Brad D. Smith Center for Business and Innovation, Suite 359
Phone: 304-696-2314

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