Expectations and Requirements

To qualify as an academic internship, the Lewis College of Business has certain expectations of the employer, the quality of work and the work environment.

  • The internship experience requires the student to apply appropriate higher level thinking, application of skills and professional performance standards.
  • The student’s supervisor or other professional in the organization should serve as a professional mentor for the student.
  • The student should receive an orientation to assigned tasks.
  • The employer should provide honest feedback to the student throughout the internship for professional growth.
  • If the student wants to pursue class credit, the employer will complete an “Internship Packet” to include an intern job description.
  • At the conclusion of the internship, the employer will complete an evaluation for the College of Business.

Student Rights

  • Student’s experiences should be free of harassment and discrimination.
  • Students should be provided a safe and hazard-free environment.

Salary and Other Benefits

  • Salary and other job benefits are established through agreement between the student and employer.
  • Information from the Department of Labor in regards to legal obligations for intern pay can be found here: http://www.dol.gov/whd/regs/compliance/whdfs71.htm
  • The student is not guaranteed a job on completion of the program and, if performance or other conditions merit it, the employer may at any time terminate the employment of the student. The student is expected to perform and follow policies and practices common to other employees of the employer.

Length and Work Schedule for Internship

  • Internship lengths can vary depending on organization needs or preference. Some options would be on a semester, yearly, summer, or 12-week basis.
  • The intern’s work schedule will also be decided by the organization. However, if the internship is taking place during the school year, employers should take students school schedules into consideration.
  • Juniors and Seniors are eligible to receive class credit for an internship. The intern must work a minimum of 200 hours in order to receive three (3) hours class credit.

Recruiting Interns

  • Create a job description including the duties and responsibilities, time frame of the internship, wages, and any other special information. (*The Internship Survey will assist with this) Provide this information to the proper contact within the LCOB, to distribute among qualified students.
  • Employers should decide whether to have candidate resumes sent directly to representative from the organization, or initially through the Lewis College of Business.
  • Employers can also recruit on campus through our business career and internship fairs, speaking with business student organizations, hosting information and interview sessions.

Selecting Interns

  • Selection of interns should be similar to that of the organization’s regular hires. Providing students with the professional interview experience is value in itself.
  • Once selected, notify those necessary within organization of the intern’s start date. Plan an orientation for the intern so he/she can be productive as quickly as possible.
  • Employer Should Provide the College of Business with final selection decision.

LCOB Social Media

LCOB Contact Info

Marshall University
Brad D. Smith Center for Business and Innovation, Suite 359
Phone: 304-696-2314

Online Contact Form

Monday Morning Memos

AACSB Accredited

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