Faculty Research Publication list

To view a list of our faculty’s research publications for a specific year, click on the corresponding bar. For your convenience, most citations are linked to the article abstract.

Eulerich, M., Huang, Q., Pawlowski, J., & Vasarhelyi, M. A. (2025). Using process mining as an assurance tool in the three-lines-model. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems56, 100731.

Sun, Y., Liu, X., Liu, J., & Duan, Y. (2025). Does preschool TV exposure affect mental health? Evidence from ChinaJournal of Economic Behavior & Organization229, 106866.

Baker, C. W., McInerney, M., Knotts, K. (2024). More Questions Than Answers: NLRB Enforcement Actions in a Post-Jarkesy World, Business Law Today (American Bar Association).  October (4th Quarter/Autumn).

Biswas, N., Dasgupta P. (2024). Is merit-aid for all? The effects of aid-eligibility changes on college access in the United States. Studies in Higher Education, 49(11).

Biswas, N., Dasgupta P. (2024). Untapped Potential: The Spillover Effects of College Merit Aid Programs on Secondary School Outcomes. Empirical Economics Letters, 23(1).

Chun, S., Lee, S., Heo, J., Ryu, J., & Lee, K. H. (2024). Leisure Activity, Leisure Satisfaction, and Hedonic and Eudaimonic Well-Being Among Older Adults With Cancer Experience. Psychological reports127(2), 489–512.

Demir, F., Duan, Y. (2024). Target at the right level: aid, spillovers, and growth in sub-Saharan Africa. Applied Economics 56 (28): 3293-3333.

Festa, M. M., Knotts, K. G., & Jones, M. M. (2024). Whistleblowing in Accounting: A Meta-Analytic Review. Journal of Forensic and Investigative Accounting16(1).

Fulcer, K., Gu, H., Hu, H., Huang, Q., Kogan, A., Vasarhelyi, M. A. Young, J. (2024). Application of Outlier Detection Methods in Audit AnalyticsAccounting Horizons, 1-15.

Gurung, A., Jain A. (2024). Investigation of Factors for Adopting Mobile Commerce in a Developing Country. International Journal of Business & Management Studies (IJBMS)

Graves, A., Duty, K., Norton, T., & Coustasse, A. (2024). Needle exchange programs and their impact on HIV incidence in West Virginia: Is it working? International Journal of Healthcare Management, 17(4), 902-913.

Henderson, C. D., Gupta, G., Zaidi, S. K., & Karim, M. A. (2024). What motivates students to enroll in online business courses? The role of espoused national culture. The International Journal of Management Education22(1).

Heo, J., & Ryu, J. (2024). Maintaining Active Lifestyle Through Pickleball: A Qualitative Exploration of Older Pickleball Players. The International Journal of Aging and Human Development98(4), 469-483.

Mak, J., Pifer, N. D., Gulavani, S. S., & Henry, T. E. (2024). The influences of country and gender on adolescent soccer players’ brand perceptions and purchase intentions. International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing24(3/4), 179-198.

Lanham, S. H., Thompson-Abbott, A. K., Norton, T. (2024). Assessing the EITC’s Role in Poverty Alleviation. Tax Notes, 2024, 183.

Lankton, N., Thompson-Abbott, A., & Nash, L. (2024). Effects of experiential learning on intention to become a CPA. Accounting Education, 1-28.

McKinney Jr, R. E., Eng, B., & Weible, R. J. (2024). Using design thinking to innovate business curriculums. Journal of International Education in Business17(3), 526-541.

Norton, T., Thompson-Abbott, A. K., Keener, R., Coustasse-Hencke, A. (2024). M. Examining the Tax Landscape of Recreational Cannabis: Trends and Considerations from the Past 10 Years of Policy, Journal of State Taxation.

Thompson, D., & Bryan, T. (2024). From Classroom to Boardroom: an in-depth look at critical thinking amongst accounting studentsThe Accounting Educators’ Journal34(1), 113-127.

Yemba, B., Kitenge, E., Tang, B., & Gaekwad, N. B. (2024). Monetary policy in China: A Factor Augmented VAR approach. International Review of Economics & Finance89: 975-1008.

Zapalska, A. M., & McCutcheon, R. (2024). Female Entrepreneurship in Small Tourism and Hospitality Firms in Poland. Academica Turistica-Tourism and Innovation Journal.

Zapalska, A. M., & McCutcheon, R. (2024). The Impact of COVID-19 on Tourism and Hospitality in Poland: Female Entrepreneurial Firms’ Ecosystem Strategies. Tourism: An International Interdisciplinary Journal72(1), 56-69.

Zapalska, A. M., & McCutcheon, R. (2024). Tourism and Hospitality Industry: A Case Study of Polish Female Firms. Problems and Perspectives in Management, 22(1).

Baker, C. W., Lanham, S. H., Coustasse, A. M. (2023). Third Circuit Deals HHS Another 340B Blow: Congressional Action Needed to Fill Regulatory Gaps. Business Law Today, August.

Chen, Y., Duan, Y., Xu, C. (2023). Social interactions and cognitive functions in elders: Causal evidence from CHARLS. Empirical economics letters, 22(3), 1-9, April. 

Chun, S., Heo, J., Ryu, J. (2023). Leisure participation, physical health, and mental health in older adults. Activities, Adaptation & Aging/ Routledge, 47, 195-213, July. 

Chun, S., Lee, S., Heo, J., Ryu, J., & Lee, K. (2022). Leisure participation, hedonic and eudaimonic well-being among older adults with cancer. Psychological Reports, forthcoming.

Cox, B., Coustasse A. M., Gupta, M., Kimble, C. (2023). AI Is Revolutionizing Oncology With a Quantum Leap in Cancer Treatment. Pharmacy Times, 5(6).

Cox, B., Coustasse, A. M., Kimble, C. (2023). Artificial Intelligence Is Revolutionizing Controlled Substance Diversion Detection. Pharmacy Times, 12(5).

Duan, Y., Chen, Y., & Xu, C. (2023). Social interactions and cognitive functions in elders: Causal evidence from CHARLS. Empirical Economics Letters, forthcoming.

Eng, B., Leonard, P., Branham, M., Horter, I. (2023). Designing delightful student experiences. Change Forward, 3, 60-62.

Feng, B. (2023). Charter school proliferation and school district fiscal stress, a chicken-egg problem. Growth and Change, 54(4), April. 

Festa, M. M., Jones, M. M., Knotts, K. (2023). A qualitative review of fraud surrounding COVID-19 relief programs. Journal of Forensic Accounting Research, 8, 208-226, December. 

Graves, A., Duty, K., Norton, T., Coustasse, A. M. (2023). Needle exchange programs and their impact on HIV incidence in West Virginia: Is it working? International Journal of Healthcare Management, September.

Ha, D. (2023). How does the technology revolution affect the relationship between information technology capability and stock return? The international academy of business and public administration disciplines. 

Ha, D. (2023). Information technology capability and firm performance. The international academy of business and public administration disciplines. 

Ha, D. (2023). Does information technology capability help firms achieve higher stock returns? Western Business Management.

Heo, J., Ryu, J. (2023). Maintaining active lifestyle through pickleball: A qualitative exploration older pickleball players. The International Journal of Aging and Human Development/Sage Publishing, OnlineFirst. October. 

Kimble, C., Maxik, K., Coustasse, A. M. (2023) 503B: What Should Pharmacists Know for 2023? Pharmacy Times, 12(3).

Kimble, C., Maxik, M., Coustasse, A. M. (2023). Closed-System Transfer Devices Reduce Exposure to Contaminants. Pharmacy Times, 12(2).

Lanham, S. H., Baker, C. W. (2023). The Adjudication of expert witness testimony: A comparative analysis. Business Law Today, December.

Lee, D., Halleck, J., Lee, H. (2023). The Impact of Union Membership on Nursing Turnover and Job Satisfaction. Journal of Nursing Administration (JONA), 53(6), 353-360. 

Lee, K., Lee, S., Ryu, J., Chun, S., Heo, J. (2023). Geographically varying associations between mentally unhealthy days and social vulnerability in the United States. Public health/ Elsevier, 222, 13-20, September. 

Lockwood, J., Lockwood, L., Miao, H., Uddin, M., & Li, K. (2022). Does analyst optimism fuel stock price momentum? Journal of Behavioral Finance, forthcoming.

Maxik, K., Kimble, C., Shariff, U., Coustasse, A. M. (2023). Handling IV Solutions Presents Challenges. Pharmacy Times, 12(1).

McKinney, R. E. (2023). Changes in unemployment rate by state. Wallethub. 

McKinney, R. E., Castro, E., Bostic, S., McDonald, P., Fukuda, R. (2023). Millennials: A Profile of desired employer values. SAM Advanced Management Journal, 88, 75-92.

Norton, T., Thompson-Abbott, A. K., Keener, R. (2023). The Tax implications of remote work. Journal of State Taxation. 

Norton, T. (2023). SALT tax limitations, background, and current state of workaround provisions. Wolters Kluwer – Journal of State Taxation, 41, 23 – 31, Summer.

Norton, T. (2023). Analysis of the historic tax cuts In West Virginia. Tax Notes, 108, 23-27, April. 

Pile, T. L., Kimble, C., Coustasse, A. M. (2023). Navigating the Path to Safe Compounding in Health Systems. Pharmacy Times, 12(4).

Pile, T. L., Kimble, C., Coustasse, A. M. (2023). Strategies to Help Eliminate Drug Exposure Risks in the Workplace. Pharmacy times, 12(6), November.

Pile, T. L., Kimble, C., Coustasse, A. M. (2023). Navigating the path to safe compounding in health systems. Pharmacy times,12(4), July. 

Ryu, J., Heo, J., & Yang, H. (2022). Older adults benefit from a new community-based physical activity program. Annals of Leisure Research by Routledge, forthcoming.

Ruiz, G. E. S., Forrest, J. Y.-L., Han, X., McKinney, R. E., Chatterjee, A. (2023). The Blockchain technology and digital marketing. Journal of Business, Economics and Technology, 26, 75-83, Spring. 

Soojung, P., Mak, J. Y.-M., Ouyang, L. (2023). Psychosocial factors affecting intention to play esports. Journal of Applied Marketing Theory, 10, 30-44, August. 

Tripp, J. F., McKnight, D. Harrison, & Lankton, N. K. (2023). What most influences consumers’ intention to use? Different motivation and trust stories for Uber, Airbnb, and Taskrabbit. European Journal of Information Systems, forthcoming.

Willis, W. K. (2023). Issues and challenges pertaining to financing in providing pricing transparency in the american health care industry. Journal of Health Management , 25, 22-29, March. 

Yemba, B., Kitenge, E., Tang, B., Gaekwad Babulal, N. (2023). Monetary policy in china: A Factor augmented VAR approach. International review of economics and finance, 89, 975–1008, January. 

Baker, C. W., Lanham, S. H., & Coustasse, A. M. (2022). Is the 340b hospitals battle at the supreme court over? Pharmacy Times, 11(6).

Baker, C. W., Norton, T., & McKinney, R. E. (2022). U.S. State Taxation of Cryptocurrency-Involved Transactions: Trends and Considerations for Policy Makers. The Tax Lawyer, American Bar Association, 75(3).

Clemente, S., Riley, B. L., & Coustasse, A. M. (2022). Evaluate 503b facilities for outsourced compounds. Pharmacy Times, 11(6).

Coustasse, A. M. (2022). Tele-ICU in the Unites States: Is a cost-effective model? International Journal of Healthcare Management, 15(4).

Coustasse, A. M., Kimble, C., Maxik, K. (2022). Prescribing controlled substances goes electronic. Pharmacy Times, 4(5).

Deng, N., Feng, B., & Partridge, M. A. (2022). Blessing or curse: The spillover effects of city-county consolidation on local economies. Regional Studies, 56(9), 1571-1588.

Hasan, M. M., & Uddin, M. R. (2022). Do intangibles matter for corporate policies? Evidence from organization capital and corporate payout choices. Journal of Banking & Finance, 135.

Kimble, C., Coustasse, A. M. (2022). Store, handle, and administer vaccines safely to prevent errors. Pharmacy Times – Health System Edition / MJH Life Sciences, 11, 20-21.

Kimble, C., Coustasse, A. M., Maxik, K. (2022). Radio frequency identification enhances patient safety. Pharmacy Times, 11(6).

Knotts, K., & Eng, B. (2022). Self-motivate to innovate: How self-leadership drives individual innovation. SAM Advanced Management Journal, 87(1).

Lanham, S. H., Baker, C. W., & Coustasse, A. M. (2022). Prescription drug importation update. Business Law Today/ American Bar Association, September.

Lanham, S. H., Riley, B. L., Deslich, S., & Coustasse, A. M. (2022). Gabapentin presents high potential for misuse. Pharmacy Times, 11(6).

Mak, J. Y.-M., Chen, S. S.-C., Allen, L., & Doran, K. F. (2022). Marketing for the DreamWork: How to keep a small entrepreneurial business and drive alive! KYSHAPE Journal, 60(1). 9-19.

McKnight, M. A., Price, C., Dill, A., Bryan, T., & Bueltel, B. (2022). Who gives a Trump? Evidence of framing effects of tax policy. Journal of Accounting, Ethics & Public Policy, 23(1), 149-164.

Norton, T. (2022). Will Governor Justice’s tax cuts help West Virginia? Tax Notes, 105, 753-757.

Norton, T., & Baker, C. W. (2022). The constitutionality of ARPA’s funding stipulations. Tax Notes, 106, 107-113.

Robie, M., Cole, S., Suwall, A., & Coustasse, A. M. (2022). Tele-ICU in the Unites States: Is a cost-effective model? International Journal of Healthcare Management, 15(4), 306-313.

Ryu, J., & Heo, J. (2022). Intergenerational service learning outcomes for event management undergraduates involved in organizing Pickleball events. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education, 31, 100396.

Ryu, J., Heo, J., & Lee, S. (2022). Pickleball, personality, and eudaimonic well-being in middle-aged and older adults. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity by Human Kinetics, 30(5), 885-892.

Ryu, J., Heo, J., Ellis, G. D., & Widmer, M. (2022). Leisure, eudaimonic behavior, physical activity and well-being of older Adults. Journal of Leisure Research, 53, 595-614.

Schaupp, C., Festa, M. M., Knotts, K., & Vitullo, E. (2022). Regulation as a pathway to individual adoption of cryptocurrency. Digital Policy, Regulation, and Governance, 199-219.

Sollosy, M. D. (2022). Black swan, grey swan: Many hues of grey. Pathways to Research in Business and Economics.

Uddin, M., Hasan, M. M., Abadi, N. (2022). Do intangible assets provide corporate resilience? New evidence from infectious disease pandemics. Economic Modelling, 110.

Walker, V., Ruley, M., Nelson, L., Layton, W., & Coustasse, A. M. (2022). The effect of the Affordable Care Act on Medicaid payments in long-term care facilities. International Journal of Healthcare Management, 15(1), 62-69.

Yemba, B. (2022). User cost of foreign monetary assets in a dollarized economy. Finance Research Letters, 49(October).

Yemba, B., Otunuga, M. O., Tang, B., & Biswas, N. (2022). Nowcasting of short-run euro-dollar exchange rate with economic fundamentals and time-varying parameters. Finance Research Letters, 53, 8.

Abodunde, B., Slack, C., Coustasse, A. M. (2021). MACRA and accountable care organizations: Is it working? Journal of Ambulatory Care Management, 44(2:Apr-Jun), 148-154.

Arli, D., Ang, F.-T., & Wei, S. (in press). Why are some people not socially distancing during COVID-19? A segmentation study. Journal of Social Marketing, forthcoming.

Baker, C. W., & McKinney, R. E. (2021). Cryptocurrency and federal tax enforcement. Business Law Today, American Bar Association.

Baker, C. W., Willis, W. K., & Stivason, C. (2021). Don’t cash that check! Identifying risks to medical billing and collection practices under the Doctrine of Accord & Satisfaction, Rutgers Business Law Review, 16(2), 308-339.

Bryan, T. G., & McKnight, M. A. (2021). Implementing the pathways commission recommended first accounting course: A profile of early adopters. International Journal of Accounting and Finance Review, 6(1), 41-52.

Bryan, T. G., McKnight, M. A., & Houmes, R. (2021). Unfaithful representation: Understating accounts receivable in the name of conservatism. Accounting Business and the Public Interest, 20, 52-72.

Bryan, T., McKnight, M. A., & Houmes, R. (2021). Accounting conservatism or earnings management: A study of the allowance for doubtful accounts. Corporate Ownership and Control, 18(3), 175-190.

Ferguson, W., White, B. S., McNair, J., Miller, C., Wang, B., Coustasse, A. M. (2021). Potential savings from consumer-driven health plans. International Journal of Healthcare Management, 14(4), 1457-1462.

Festa, M. M., & Knotts, K. (2021). The positive effect of self-leadership on student loans. Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, 32(2, August), 242-251.

Forrest, J. Y., Shao, L. P., McKinney, R. E., & Shao, D. H. (2021). Firm performance and market expansion from the point of view of resources. International Journal of Business and Systems Research, (5/4), 468-490.

Kimble, C., Coustasse, A. M., & Maxik, K. (2021). Considerations on the distribution and administration of the new COVID-19 vaccines. International Journal of Healthcare Management, Letter to the Editor, 14(1), 306-310.

Kimble, C., Coustasse, A. M., & Maxik, K. (2021). Detect adverse events and medication errors using technology. Pharmacy Times, 10(3).

Kimble, C., Coustasse-Hencke, A. M., & Maxik, K. (2021). Pharmacists have delivered during the COVID-19 pandemic. Infection Control Today, April 1.

Kimble, C., Maxik, K., & Coustasse, A. M. (2021). COVID-19 and vaccine hesitancy:  A challenge the United States must overcome. Journal of Ambulatory Care Management, 44(1-Jan-March), 71-75.

Knotts, K., & Houghton, J. D. (2021). You can’t make me! The role of self-leadership in enhancing organizational commitment and work engagement. Leadership and Organizational Development Journal, 42(5-March), 748-762.

Lankton, N. K., Price, J., & Karim, M. A. (2021). Cybersecurity breaches and information technology governance roles in audit committee charters. Journal of Information Systems, 35(1), 101-119.

Layton, W., Lemmon, K., & Coustasse, A. M. (2021) Charge masters and the effects on hospitals. International Journal of Healthcare Management, 14(4).

Maxik, K., Kimble, C., & Coustasse, A. M. (2021). Change management: A consideration for leaders beyond the pandemic. Pharmacy Times, 10(3).

Maxik, K., Kimble, C., & Coustasse, A. M. (2021). Logical approach enhances safety, protects patients. Pharmacy Times, 10(1:January).

McKnight, M., Dill, A., Seitz, J., Dill, A., & Bryan, T. G. (2021). Incorporating experiential learning into the accounting curriculum: Best practices and lessons learned from a recently implemented curriculum. Global Journal of Accounting and Finance/Institute for Global Research, 5(1), 75-86.

Singh, A., Bhadauria, V., & Gurung, A. (2021). A problem-solving based teaching approach to database design. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting, 18 (2: Fall), 149–155.

Subedi, D. K., & Tate, U. S. (in press). Managing supply chain: Issues and challenging of complexity, risk, flexibility. DIAS Technology Review, forthcoming.

Tate, U. S., & Subedi, D. K. (in press). Status of women empowerment in India: A conceptual perspective. DIAS Technology Review, forthcoming.

Tate, U. S., Gupta, M., & Subedi, D. K. (2021). COVID-19 and its impact on student learning moderated by Kolb’s learning styles. Academy of Business Journal/Academy of Business Research, 1, 7-8.

Willis, W. K., Emmett, D. C., McInerney, M. (2021). Our Workforce and COVID-19: How Telecommuting Plays a Role. SAM Advanced Management Journal – special edition, 86(3), 9-19.

Agesa, R. U., & Agesa, J. (2020). Child spacing in sub-Saharan Africa: Evidence from Kenya. Journal of African Development, 21(2), 213-226.

Bagherzadeh, R., Rawal, M., Wei, S., & Saavedra, J. L. (2020). The journey from customer participation in service failure to cocreation in service recovery. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 54, 102058.

Baker, C. W. (2020). Attorney-client sexual relationships in the #MeToo era: Understanding current state approaches and working towards a better rule. Southwestern Law Review, 49(2), 243-270.

Baker, C. W. (2020). Tax law and 100 years of New York Giants season tickets: A multifaceted analysis of one fan’s fortune. Sports Lawyers Journal, 27, 27, 169-193.

Coustasse-Hencke, A. M., Kimble, C., Maxik, K. (2020). Rethinking supply chain management strategies for ventilator related medications during COVID-19 pandemic in the United States. International Journal of Healthcare Management, 13(4), 352-354.

Coustasse-Hencke, A. M., Ruley, M., Mike, M., Washington, B., & Robinson, A. (2020). Telepsychiatry use in Rural Areas: A literature review. Journal of Information Technology Research, 13(4).

Emmett, D. C. (2020). Interventions used for reducing readmissions for surgical site infections. Hospital Topics, 98(3: Jul-Sep), 13-107.

Eng, B., & Jarvis, C. B. (2020). Consumers and their celebrity brands: How personal narratives set the stage for attachment. Journal of Product and Brand Management, 29(6), 831-847.

Forrest, J. Y., Shao, L. P., McKinney, R. E., & Shao, D. H. (2020). Firm performance and market expansion from the point of view of resources. International Journal of Business and Systems Research, forthcoming.

Guo, C., Warkentin, M., Luo, X., Gurung, A., & Shim, J. (2020). An imposed etic approach with Schwartz polar dimensions to explore cross-cultural use of social network services. Information and Management, 57(8), 1-23.

Hunter, A., Johnson, L., & Coustasse, A. (2020). Reduction of intensive care unit length of stay: The case of early mobilization. Health Care Manager, 39(3:Jul/Sep), 109-116.

Karim, M. A., & Sarkar, S. (2020). Auditors’ quality, footnotes, and earnings persistence. Managerial Finance, 46(2), 267-282.

Kimble, C., Maxik, K., Coustasse-Hencke, A. M. (2020). COVID-19 and vaccine hesitancy: A challenge the United States must overcome. Journal of Ambulatory Care Management, 44(1), 71-75.

Lankton, N., McKnight, D. H., & Tripp, J. F. (2020). Understanding the antecedents and outcomes of Facebook privacy behaviors: An integrated model. IEEE Transactions in Engineering Management, 67(3), 697-711.

Lankton, N. K., Price, J., & Karim, M. A. (in press). Cybersecurity breaches and i information technology governance roles in audit committee charters. Journal of Information Systems, forthcoming.

Layton, W., Lemmon, K., & Coustasse, A. (2020) Charge masters and the effects on hospitals. International Journal of Healthcare Management, forthcoming.

Maxik, K., Kimble, C., & Coustasse, A. (2020). Consider real costs before implementing a 340B program. Pharmacy Times, 9(5).

Maxik, K., Kimble, C., Booth, C. J., & Coustasse-Hencke, A. M. (2020). How do pharmacies evaluate clean room automation systems? Pharmacy Times, 9(2:March).

Maxik, K., Kimble, C., & Coustasse, A. (2020). Prepare the pharmacy for the next crisis. Pharmacy Times, 9(4).

McCutcheon, Robin S. (2020). US health care’s biggest problem: AMA monopolization of the physician labor supply. Journal of Private Enterprise, 35(1), 77-103.

McKinney, R. E., & Baker, C. W. (2020). Indigent defense in West Virginia: An historical look at public defender services. West Virginia Law Review (West Virginia University), 122(3), 841-879.

McKinney, R. E., Baker, C. W., Shao, L. P., & Forrest, J. Y. L. (2020). Cryptocurrency: Utility determines conceptual classification despite regulatory uncertainty. Intellectual Property and Technology Law Journal, University of San Francisco, 25(1; Fall), 1-18.

Phillips, A. J., Abodunde, B., Paul, D. P., and Coustasse, A. (2020). The growing problem of hepatitis C virus infection: The case of West Virginia. Health Care Manager, 39(1:Jan/Mar), 2-11.

Sollosy, M. D., & Gerlich, R. N. (2020). Strategic management and social media: Its role in strategic planning and management. SAM Advanced Management Journal, f84(3), Summer.

Sollosy, M. D., & Weible, R. (2020).  Does an information technology investment contribute to company performance: A further examination of the productivity paradox.  International Journal of Business, Humanities and Technology, 10(1), 5-11

Tanga, B., Yemba, B., & Changc, D. (2020). Divisia monetary aggregates and US GDP nowcasting. Applied Economics, 52(32), 3538-3554.

Varsha P. S., Tate, U., Reddy G. K., Patagundi, B., & Subedi, D. (2020). A synthesis on women empowerment initiatives in India:  Role of business and management institute. Dharana: International Journal of Business, Volume 1, 11-19.

Wang, X., Duan, Y., Liu, P., & Han, G. (2020). The influence of housing investment on urban innovation: An empirical analysis based on city-level panel data in China. Sustainability, 12(7), 1-15. [Applied]

Wei, S., Ang, T., & Liou, R. (2020). Does the global vs. local scope matter? Contingencies of cause-related marketing in a developed market. Journal of Business Research, 108, 201-212.

Yemba, B. P., Tang, B., Kitenge, E., & Nsumbu, J. (2020). Divisia monetary aggregate and monetary transmission mechanism in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Applied Economics Letters, 27(4), 291-297.

Zhang, J., Onal, S., & Das, S. (2020), The dynamic stocking location problem: Dispersing inventory in fulfillment warehouses with explosive storage. International Journal of Production Economics, 224(June, Article 107550).

Agesa, R. U., & Agesa, J. (2019). Time spent on household chores (fetching water) and the alternatives forgone for women in sub-Saharan Africa: Evidence from Kenya. Journal of Developing Areas, 53(2), 29-42.

Alexander, E. C., Mader, D. R.D., Mader, F. H. (2019). Using social media during the hiring process: A comparison between recruiters and job seekers. Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science, 29, 78-87.

Ayodele, S., Lawani, U., & Itanrin, S. L. (2019). Imperatives for establishing corporate ethics: Examining national strategic planning and public policy. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 10(10), 1-7.

Baker, C. W. (2019). Abuse prevention or consumer protection: Trends in consumer bankruptcy filings and state-level wage garnishment exemptions post-BAPCPA. Business & Bankrupty Law Journal, 6, 1.

Baker, C. W. (2019). Marijuana’s continuing illegality and investors’ securities fraud problem: The doctrines of Unclean Hands and In Pari Delicto. Journal of Business, Entrepreneurship, and the Law, 12(1/4), 93-118.

Bakhamis, L., Paul, D., Smith, H., & Coustasse-Hencke, A. M. (2019). Still an epidemic: The burnout syndrome in hospital nurses. Health Care Manager, 38(1), 3-10.

Carnes, A. M., Knotts, K., Munyon, T., Heames, J., Houghton, J. (in press). Think fast: The role of thin slices of behavior in employee selection decisions. International Journal of Selection and Assessment.

Coustasse-Hencke, A. M. (2019). The scope of teledermatology enhancing dermatological access in rural areas: A literature review. Telemedicine and eHealth Journal.

Coustasse-Hencke, A. M., & Kimble, C. (2019). The 340B program, contract pharmacies, hospitals, and patients: An evolving relationship impacting health care delivery. The Health Care Manager, 38(4:October), 311-321.

Emmett, D. C. (2019). Supply chains in healthcare organizations: Lessons learned from recent shortages. Hospital Topics,97(4), 133-138.

Gerlach, J., Fink, M., Abodunde, B., Sollosy, M. D., & Coustasse-Hencke, A. M. (2019). Rethinking the obvious: Time for new ideas on medical malpractice tort reform. Health Care Manager, 38(2), 109-115.

Capehart, R. C., Wallace, T., & Keener, III, R. (2019). State hospitals. Public Policy Quarterly, January, 16.

Eng, B., McKinney, R. E., & Rogner, I. (2019). Partnering with corporate entrepreneurs on an experiential design thinking project. Business Education Innovation Journal, 11(1), 252-258.

Eng, B., McKinney, R. E., & Shao, L. P. (2019). The impact of intervention measures on sexual harassment in the film and television industry. Journal of International Management Studies, 19, 5-10.

Kelley, E., Lipscomb, R., Valdez, J., Patil, N., & Coustasse, A. (2019). Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act and rural hospitals. The Health Care Manager, 38(3), 197-205.

Lanham, S. H. (2019). Analyzing big data with Benford’s law: A lesson for the classroom. American Journal of Business , 12(2), 33-42.

Lankton, N., Stivason, C., & Gurung, A. (2019). Information protection behaviors: Morality and organizational criticality. Information and Computer Security, 27(3), 468-488.

Lawani, U. (2019). An Analysis of Job Application Method Preference: Comparing online and Traditional Recruitment System. Pan Journal of Business Research, 10(1), 23-31.

Lawani, U. (2019). The strategic imperative for citizen involvement in wealth creation: The context of Africa as a developing continent. Journal of International Business Disciplines, 14(2), 22-37.

McCutcheon, R. S. (2019). An editorial on academic freedom to preserve liberty in teaching. Advances in Economics and business, 7(6),109-114.

McCutcheon, R. S., McCoy, D.O., L. (2019). Physician-to-patient direct primary care: Entrepreneurial country doctors offer a new medical business model. Advances in Economics and business, 7(4),152 – 161.

McInerney, M., & Sollosy, M. D. (2019). Integrating artificial intelligence into traditional university business management programs. In A. Stachowicz-Stanusch, & W. Amann (Eds.). Artificial Intelligence and its Impact on Business, Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

McKinney, R. E., Eng, B.N., and York, O. (2019). Rapid experimentation: The Silicon Valley method of success. Sage Research Methods Cases Part 2.

Merino, R., Bowden, N., Katamneni, S., & Coustasse, A. M. (2019). The opioid epidemic in West Virginia. Health Care Manager, 38(2), 187-195.

Mosrie, N., Lankton, N. K. (2019). Opinion: FASB proposal jeopardizes health care entity financing. Journal of Accountancy.

Mukherjee, A., & Nunez, R. (2019). Doing well by doing good: Can voluntary CSR reporting enhance financial performance? Journal of Indian Business Research, 11(2) , 100-119.

Ruley, M., & Coustasse-Hencke, A. M. (2019). Prenatal opioid maintenance in the U.S. and its effect on Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome: The case of West Virginia’s opioid epidemic. Health Care Manager, 8(3),258-266.

Sollosy, M. D., Guidice, R. M., & Parboteeah, K. P. (2019). Miles & Snow’s strategic typology redux: An examination through the lens of ambidexterity. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 27, 925-946.

Walker, V., Lawani, U., & Coustasse-Hencke, A. M. (2019). Provider based billing in the United States: The effect on government reimbursement. International Journal of Healthcare Management.

Wei, S., Ang, T., & Anaza, N. A. (2019). Recovering co-created service failures: The missing link of perceived justice and ethicalness. Journal of Services Marketing, 33(7), 921-935.

Wei, S., Ang, T., & Anaza, N.A. (2019). The power of information on customers’ social withdrawal and citizenship behavior in a crowded service environment. Journal of Service Management, 30(1), 23-47.

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Ang, T., Liou, R., & Wei, S. (2018). Perceived cultural distance in intercultural service encounters: Does customer participation matter? Journal of Services Marketing, 32(5), 547-558.

Ang, T., Wei, S., & Anaza, N.A. (2018). Livestreaming vs. pre-recorded: How social viewing strategies impact consumers’ viewing experiences and behavioral intentions. European Journal of Marketing, 52(9/10), 2075-2104.

Bhardwaj, N., Wodajo, B., Spano, A., Neal, S., Coustasse-Hencke, A. M. (2018). The impact of big data on chronic disease management. Health Care Manager, 37, 90-98.

Bowing, B., Newman, T., White, c., Wood, A., Coustasse-Hencke, A. M. (2018). Provider reimbursement following the affordable care act. Health Care Manager, 37(2), 129-135.

Capehart, R., & Keener, R. (2018). Higher education. Public Policy Quarterly, December, 14.

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Clemente, S., McGrady, R., Repass, R., & Coustasse-Hencke, A. M. (2018). Medicare and the affordable care act: Fraud control efforts and results. International Journal of Healthcare Management, 11(19), 1-7.

Coustasse-Hencke, A. M., Andresen, P., Schussler, M., Sowards, K., Kimble, C. (2018). Why physicians switch electronic health record vendors. Perspectives in Health Information Management, Spring.

Coustasse-Hencke, A. M., Frama, M., Mukherjee, A. (2018). Is upcoding anesthesia time the tip of the iceberg in insurance fraud? JAMA Network Open, November.

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Gerlach, J., McSweeney, S., Swearingen, A., & Coustasse, A. M. (2018). Examining the benefits of the 340B drug discount program. Health Care Manager, 37(3), 225-231.

Karim, M. A. (2018). Market reaction to split announcements: Rational response or behavioral bias? Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal, 22(2), 15.

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McClure, R. E. (2018). The influence of mediating variables on market orientation during organizational change. Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, 22 (1), 1-25.

McCutcheon, R. S. (2018). An academic review of employee behavior management. Advances in Economics and Business, 6, 291-298.

McGee, J., Sandridge, L., Treadway, C., Vance, K., Coustasse, A. M. (2018). Strategies for fighting medicare fraud. Health Care Manager, 37(2), 1-8.

McKinney, R. E., Shao, L. P., Shao, D. H., McInerney, M. (2018). Advancing research on the influence of social media on human resources in mergers and acquisitions. Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions, 17, 145-164.

Nunez, R., & Mukherjee, A. (2018). Antecedents and consequences of corporate social responsibility reporting by corporations: The role of management strategy and organizational characteristics. SAM Advanced Management Journal, 83(1).

Onal, S., Zhang, J., Das, S. (2018). Product flows and decision models in Internet fulfillment warehouses. Production Planning & Control, 29, 791-801.

Onel, N., Mukherjee, A., Kreidler, N., Diaz, E. M., Furcheim, P., Gupta, s., & Keech, J. (2018). Tell me your story and I will tell you who you are: Personal perspective in sustainable consumption. Psychology & Marketing, 35(10), 752-765.

Preechavuthinant, S., Willis, W. K., & Coustasse-Hencke, A. M. (2018). Trends and effects of pharmaceutical DTCA. The International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing, 12(1), 61-70.

Price, J., & Lankton, N. K. (2018). A framework and guidelines for assessing and developing board-level information technology committee charters. Journal of Information Systems, 32, 109-129.

Ruley, M., Walker, V., Studeny, J., & Coustasse, A. M. (2018). The nationwide health information network: The case of the expansion of health information exchanges In the United States. Health Care Manager, 37(4), 333-338. .

Sacconi, P., Glover, P., Marriot, R., Paul, D., & Coustasse-Hencke, A. M. (2018). ICD-10 implementation: is the workforce ready? Health Care Manager, 37, 39-46.

Sarkar, R., Metzger, B. J., Sayre, H. M., Slater, C. M., Katamneni, S., & Coustasse-Hencke, A. M. (2018). Telepharmacy and pharmaceutical access to rural areas. Perspectives in Health Information Management, Summer.

Spence, N., Bhardwaj, N., Paul III, D. P., & Coustasse-Hencke, A. M. (2018). Ransomware in healthcare facilities: A harbinger of the future? Perspectives in Health Information Management, Summer.

Subedi, D. K., & Tate, U. S. (2018). Monte carlo Simulation for Understanding Risk in Project Management. DIAS Technology Review, 15(1), 28-36.

Wei, S., Ang, T., & Jancenelle, V.E. (2018). Willingness to pay more for green products: The interplay of consumer characteristics and customer participation. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 45, 230 -238.

Yemba, B., & Boubacar, I. (2018). On the merit of debt relief programs in heavily indebted poor countries. Economics Bulletin , 38, 940-956.

Archambault, M. E., Price, J., & Archambault, J. J. (2017). Changes in general education and their benefit to business education. International Journal of Business. International Journal of Business, Humanities, and Technology, 7, 1-14.

Archambault, M. E., & Archambault, J. J. (2017). Senior level accounting course performance and the timing of completing Intermediate Accounting II. International Journal of Accounting and Taxation, 4, 12-24.

Bakhamis, L., Matsumoto, T., Tran, M., Paul, D., & Coustasse-Hencke, A. M. (2017). Maryland’s all payer health care system: A light at the end of a tunnel. Health Care Manager, 37(1), 11-17.

Bhardwaj, N., Wodajo, B., Gochipathala, K., Paul, D., & Coustasse-Hencke, A. M. (2017). Can mHealth revolutionize the way we manage adult obesity? Perspectives in Health Information Management, Spring.

Brozik, D., Zapalska, A. (2017). Maori female entrepreneurship in the tourism industry. Tourism, 65, 156-172.

Capehart, R. C., & Keener, R. (2017). Responsibility centered management: Determining financial viability within the university. Public Policy Quarterly, December, 14.

Godby, T., Saldanha, S., Valle, J., Paul, D., & Coustasse-Hencke, A. M. (2017). Is there a trade-off between quality and profitability in the United States nursing homes? Health Care Manager, 36(2), 140-146.

Gurung, A. (2017). Improving the online course in principles of management information systems. International Journal of Computer and Information Technology, 6(3), 150-154.

Lanham, S. H., & Lucas, K. (2017). Reasonable degree of certainty during expert testimony. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting, 9, 883-902.

Lanham, S. H. (2017). Preparing students for their financial future. Business Education Forum, 71, 8-11.

Lankton, N. K., & McKnight, D. H. (2017). Facebook privacy management strategies: A cluster analysis of user privacy behaviors. Computers in Human Behavior, 76, 149-163.

Lee, D., & Begley, C. E. (2017). Delays in Seeking Health Care: Comparison of Veterans and the General Population. Journal of Public Health Management & Practice, 23, 160-168.

Mader, F. H., Mader, D. R.D., & Alexander, E. C. (2017). Job shadowing experiences as a teaching tool: A new twist on a tried and true technique. Atlantic Marketing Journal, 5(3), 8.

McCutcheon, R. S. (2017). Comic book heroes teach economic and political freedom. Advances in Economics and Business, 5, 95-102.

McKinney, R. E., Shao, L. P., Shao, D. H., McInerney, M. (2017). The decision to retain and reduce human resources in mergers and acquisitions. Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions, 16, 37-66.

McKnight, D. H., Lankton, N. K., Nicolaou, A., & Price, J. (2017). Distinguishing the effects of B2B information quality, system quality, and service outcome quality on trust and distrust. Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 26, 118-141.

McSweeney, S., Pritt, J., Swearinger, A., Kimble, C., & Coustasse-Hencke, A. M. (2017). Telestroke: Overcoming barriers to lifesaving treatment In rural hospitals. Perspectives in Health Information Management, Summer.

Onal, S., Zhang, J., Das, S. (2017). Modelling and performance evaluation of explosive storage policies in internet fulfillment warehouses. International Journal of Production Research, 55, 5902-5915.

Onel, N., & Mukherjee, A. (2017). Why do consumers recycle? A holistic perspective encompassing moral considerations, affective responses, and self‐interest motives. Psychology & Marketing, 34(10), 956-971.

Robertson, B. M., McKinney, R. E., & Shao, L. P. (2017). Self-inflicted injuries: Designation for risk assessment or cost avoidance. Journal of International Finance and Economics, 17(3), 37-40.

Rogers, B., Vardaman, J., Allen, D., & Muslin, I. S., Baskin, M. (2017). Turning up by turning over: The change of scenery effect in major league baseball. Journal of Business and Psychology, 32, 547-560.

Schaeffer, C., Booton, L., Halleck, J. R., Studeny, J., & Coustasse-Hencke, A. M. (2017). Big data management in United States hospitals: Benefits and barriers. Health Care Manager, 36(1), 87-96.

Subedi, D. K. (2017). Understanding innovations from information processing view. Journal of Competitiveness Studies, 25(1), 23-39.

Valle, J., Godby, T., Paul, III, D., Smith, H. M., & Coustasse-Hencke, A. M. (2017). Use of smartphones for clinical and medical education. The Health Care Manager, 36(3), 293-300.

Watts, A., Barker, T., Messinger, A., Paul, D., & Coustasse-Hencke, A. M. (2017). Insurance companies adapting to trends by adopting medical tourism. Health Care Manager, 36(4), 326-333.

Yemba, B. (2017). Tax and monetary policy rules in a small open economy with disaggregated government purchases. International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance, 10(2), 144-182.

Zhang, J., Onal, S., & Das, S. (2017). Price differentiated channel switching in a fixed period fast fashion supply chain. International Journal of Production Economics, 193, 31-39.

Agesa, R. U., Agesa, J., & Dabalen, A. (2016). Does an extra year of primary schooling yield higher earnings? Evidence From Kenya. Journal of Developing Areas, 50, 131-148.

Capehart, R. C., & Keener, R. (2016). A three-step plan for restructuring higher education in West Virginia. Public Policy Quarterly, 30.

Capehart, R. C., & Keener, R. (2016). Combating the state’s drug problem: A call for leadership, results and accountability. Public Policy Quarterly, 18.

Coustasse-Hencke, A. M., Kimble, C., Stanton, R. B., & Naylor, M. (2016). Could PHARMA benefit from full-scale adoption of RFID technology with a new regulation? Perspectives in Health Information Management, 13(Fall), 1b.

Denning, S. L., McKinney, R. E., & Shao, L. P. (2016). The evolution of gift cards in secondary markets and money services. Journal of International Finance Studies, 16, 27-32.

Gurung, A., & Prater, E. (2016). A research framework for the impact of cultural differences on IT outsourcing. In Shailendra Palvia (Ed.) Hershey, PA: Idea Book Publishing.

Gurung, A., & Raja, M. K. (2016). Online privacy and security concerns of consumers. Information and Computer Security, 24, 348-371.

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Karim, M. A., Sarkar, S., & Zhang, S. (2016). Earnings management surrounding M&A: Role of economic development and investor protection. Advances in Accounting, 35(C), 207-215.

Keener, R. (2016). Regulatory reform: Fixing West Virginia’s over-regulation problem. Public Policy Quarterly, 8.

Kisling, A., Paul, D., & Coustasse-Hencke, A. M. (2016). Costs, staffing and services of assisted living in the USA. Health Care Manager , 35, 156-163.

Lankton, N., McKnight, D. H., Thatcher, J., & Wright, R. (2016). Research note: Using expectation disconfirmation theory and polynomial modeling to understand trust in technology. Information Systems Research, 27(1), 197-213.

Lankton, N. K., & Price, J. (2016). Board-Level Information Technology Committees. Online Edition(formerly Information Systems Control Journal), 2, 1-6.

Lawani, U. (2016). Executives’ ability to conduct boundary spanning activities: The role of personality, emotional intelligence and trust. Journal of International Business Disciplines, 11(1), 36-46.

Lee, D., & Begley, C. E. (2016). Physician self-report of industry gifts and perceived quality of care. Health Care Management Review, 41, 275-83.

Lee, D., Muslin, I. S., & McInerney, M. (2016). Perceived racial discrimination among home health aides: Evidence from a national survey. Journal of Health and Human Services Administration, 38, 414-437.

Lee, D., Sikula, A., Lee, T., Dodds, A., & Na, Y. (2016). Effect of physician IT use on practice performance. Journal of Health and Human Services Administratiion, 39, 357-382.

Lester, M., Boateng, S., Studeny, J., & Coustasse-Hencke, A. M. (2016). Personal health records: Beneficial or burdensome for patients and health care providers? Perspectives in Health Information Management, July, 1e.

Mader, D. R.D., Mader, F. H., & Alexander, E. C. (2016). Tri-valley church has A CRM problem: You might get them to come, but will they stay? Southeast Case Research Journal, 13, 31-35.

McKinney, R. E., Halleck, J. R., & Shao, D. H. (2016). Social media and irreconcilable differences in the workplace. Journal of International Management Studies, 16, 27-32.

Peluchette, J., Karl, K., & Coustasse-Hencke, A. M. (2016). Physicians, patients, and Facebook: Could you? Would you? Should you? Health Marketing Quarterly, 33, 112-126.

Shao, D. H., McKinney, R. E., & Shao, L. P. (2016). Microchips: technology that can change medical services. Review of Business Research, 16(3), 25-30.

Sollosy, M. D., McInerney, M., & Braun, C. K. (2016). Human capital: A strategic asset that’s time has come for recognition on organizations’ financial statement. Journal of Corporate Accounting & Finance, 27(6), 19-27.

Subedi, D. (2016). Explaining innovation using supply chain framework. Competition Forum, 14, 159-162.

Valle, J., Gomes, C., Godby, T., & Coustasse-Hencke, A. M. (2016). The feasibility of the nationwide health information network (NHIN). Health Care Manager, 35, 103-112.

Willis, W. K., Muslin, I. S., & Timko, K. (2016). A house divided: Cooperative and competitive recruitment in vital industries. Journal of Nursing Management, 24(2), 253-260.

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