Jackie Agesa


Jacqueline (Jackie) Agesa received her PhD in Economics at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee in 1996. She has been an Associate Professor of Finance at Marshall University since Fall 2009. Before this, she was Professor of Economics. Her research interests include Financial & Insurance Economics. Her work with Richard Agesa, was published in 2019 in the Journal of Developing Areas. From 2013-2018 Jackie was a Reviewer for the Ford Foundation where she reviewed 45 grant proposals per year. She currently is a Board Member on the Wild Ramp Advisory Board and the Wild Ramp Advisory Board Finance Committee.

PhD, Economics, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, 1996
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Post Doctorate Bridge to Business, Finance Track, 2009
Agesa, R. U., & Agesa, J. (2019). Time spent on household chores (fetching water) and the alternatives forgone for women in sub-Saharan Africa: Evidence from Kenya. Journal of Developing Areas, 53(2), 29-42.
FIN 175: Personal Finance
FIN 323: Principles of Finance
FIN 356: Finance Management Health Care Organization
FIN 440: International Finance Management
Associate Professor of Finance, Fall 2009 to Present
Professor of Economics, Fall 2007 to Spring 2009
Associate Professor of Economics, Fall 2003 to Spring 2007
Board Member, the Wild Ramp Advisory Board Finance Subcommittee, December 2018 to Present
Chairperson, AD Lewis Center, August 2015 to Present