Howard Evans
Academic Advisor
Program Assistant
SBUS 119
The LCOB Academic Advising Center is a member of NACADA.
When first admitted, you will meet with an academic advisor to register for classes. During both semesters of your freshman year, you must complete Freshman Advising and meet with your academic advisor to have your advising hold removed before you register for classes. You will be informed of the advising sessions during pre-registration periods. This session is mandatory for all freshmen. We realize that incoming freshmen are inundated with information during freshman orientation, therefore, we feel it is vitally important for you to receive specific academic information after you have been enrolled your first semester. You will learn about curriculum requirements, and many other topics of great importance to you. You will be required to complete freshman advising each semester until you officially become a sophomore.
Once you become a sophomore you are no longer required to meet with an academic advisor in order to register for classes, however, it is highly suggested. If you would like to meet with your academic advisor, please contact them to schedule an appointment. We strongly suggest the use of Degree Works to determine course requirements still needed. Near the end of your sophomore year, you should develop a plan for completing your major courses. Some courses are only offered once a year, and some courses have prerequisites which must be completed before progressing into the next course. It is very important that you plan accordingly in order to properly plan your graduation date.
Once you complete approximately 70 hours of coursework, your academic advisor will complete a Junior/Senior Evaluation. This evaluation will outline all of your remaining requirements in order to graduate. Once your Junior/Senior Evaluation has been completed, you will be sent an email by your academic advisor notifying you to make an appointment to discuss the evaluation. A hold will be placed on your account until you meet with your advisor to discuss the evaluation. This hold will prevent you from registering for classes and/or adjusting your schedule.
The semester BEFORE you plan to graduate is the time to apply for graduation. You need to go to the Bursars Office in Old Main to pay your diploma fee. After you pay the fee, you will need to take a copy of your receipt to the Academic Advising Center. Your academic advisor will verify your requirements and place you on the tentative graduation list. Students applying for graduation should check in the Registrars Office to be sure their name is correct as they would like for it to appear on their diploma.
Academic Probation Students
Academic Probation is when a student’s overall grade point average and/or Marshall grade point average drops below a 2.0. Regardless of class standing, all probation students must meet with an academic advisor and perform certain requirements in order to continue their enrollment. Probationary and Suspension status is determined by quality point deficits. Please refer to the Advising Guide or Undergraduate Catalog for clarification of the University Academic Probation and Suspension Policy.
To apply for graduation
If you are an off-campus student and need to apply for graduation online
Please fill out both pages of the Graduation Application and submit them to the Academic Advising Center. You can scan and email your application to your academic advisor. You will also need to pay the diploma fee of $50 to the Bursar’s office and request one copy of the receipt to be sent to the Academic Advising Center.