If a class offered by the Lewis College of Business (LCOB) is closed, students may request an overload into the course. The overload process for all business courses is centralized in the Academic Advising Center. Courses offered by the LCOB include courses with the follow course designators: ACC, BUSN, ECN, ENT, FIN, LCOB, LE, MGT, MIS, MKT, and STHM. An overload request link is provided on the Academic Advising Center’s page under www.marshall.edu/cob. All requests are sent to the Director of Student Services who evaluates the request in conjunction with the student’s academic advisor. Priority for overloads is given to students majoring in the LCOB and students that need the course as a requirement to graduate in that semester or stay on track for their intended graduation date. Overloads are not guaranteed and are dependent on classroom capacity, course demand, and the student’s individual curriculum requirements. For courses that are offered on the Huntington campus, overloads are not given until all of the sections of that course are closed. A wait list may be maintained for the course by the Director of Student Services, but students are encouraged to register for an alternative course option if an overload cannot be granted.