Internships for Course Credit

Fast Facts

  • An internship can count towards your degree as a free elective.
  • To receive 3 credit hours, you must work 200 hours at their internship.  To receive 6 credit hours, you must work 400 hours.
  • You can earn up to a maximum of 12 credit hours of internship credit, with 6 maximum credit hours in one semester and 6 maximum credit hours toward the 120 credit hours required to graduate.
  • Students must pay for internship credit in accordance with the University tuition and fees.
  • Students participating in the Disney College Program will be registered for 6 credit hours of BUSN 290 (freshmen and sophomores) or BUSN 490 (juniors and seniors). Many students that participate in the Disney College Program also decide to take some online courses towards their degree while at Disney. Please consult with your academic advisor and financial aid regarding your semester/summer at Disney.

How do I apply for internship credit?

Once you secure an internship, please go to this page to complete the Application for Internship Course Credit.  Once you open the link, select an Internship Course to apply for. Please use the guidelines listed below when making your selection.

  • ACC 490 – junior or senior participating in an Accounting internship
  • BUSN 290 – any freshman or sophomore student participating in any business-related internship
  • BUSN 490 – junior or senior student that is not a business major participating in any business-related internship
  • ECN 490 – junior or senior student participating in an Economics internship
  • FIN 490 – junior or senior student participating in a Finance internship
  • MGT 490 – junior or senior student participating in a Management internship
  • MIS 490 – junior or senior student participating in a MIS internship
  • MKT 490 – junior or senior student participating in a Marketing internship
  • STHM 490 – junior or senior student participating in a Sports Business internship
  • STHM 660 – graduate student in Sports Administration program
  • Disney – any student participating in the Disney College Program

What happens if I am approved for internship credit?

  • You will need to register for the university internship course and pay tuition.
  • You will need to log into the internship course on Blackboard and submit assignments such as an internship duties journal, reflection paper(s), and an internship evaluation.
  • The employer will complete an intern evaluation form at the end of the semester.
  • You will receive a grade of Credit/No Credit upon completion of the internship requirements.

Contact Info. for Additional Internship Information

Academic Advising Center
Office: Brad D. Smith Center for Business & Innovation, SBUS 119
Phone: 304-696-2314

LCOB Social Media

LCOB Contact Info

Marshall University
Brad D. Smith Center for Business and Innovation, Suite 359
Phone: 304-696-2314

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