Students can choose to complete a minor in any of the following areas in business.Students may desire a limited but structured background in one of the functional areas of business. The following minor programs of study provide such structured backgrounds. These minors are the only minors available in the LCOB.
Accounting Minor
- A minimum of 12 credit hours in Accounting, to include ACC 311, 318, 348, and three hours from another upper-level course. Choose from among ACC 312, 341, 412, 418, 448, or 400-level Special Topics. (See course descriptions for information about prerequisites.) NOTE: All courses must be completed with a grade of C or better.
Economics Minor
- A minimum of 15 credit hours in Economics, with no more than six of those hours earned at the 200
level or lower.
Entrepreneurship Minor
- Entrepreneurship Minor (for Business Majors) A minimum of 15 credit hours including ACC 215/216, ENT 360, ENT 320, LE 366, plus three credit hours from any ENT-designated course 300 level or above, MGT 428, MGT 429, MGT 446, MKT 231, MKT 341, MKT 350, MKT 375, MKT 435, MKT 437, MKT 445, or MKT 465.
- Entrepreneurship Minor (for Non-Business Majors) A minimum of 15 credit hours including ACC 310, ENT 360, ENT 320, LE 366, plus three credit hours from any ENT-designated course, 300 level or above, MGT 446, MKT 231, MKT 350, MKT 375, MKT 437, or MKT 445.
Esports Business Minor
A minimum of 12 credit hours, to include STHM 360, STHM 390, STHM 490, plus three hours from either STHM 380 or MKT 430.
Finance Minor
- A minimum of 12 credit hours in Finance, to include FIN 323, plus six hours from among FIN 321, 343, 370; plus three hours taken in any of the discipline’s 400-level courses.
General Business Minor*
- A minimum of 15 credit hours including ACC 215 or ACC 310, ECN 200 or ECN 250, MGT 320, MKT 340, plus three hours from FIN 323, ENT 360, LE 207, MIS 290, MGT 422, or MKT 231. Note: Business majors may not declare a minor in General Business. Business students transferring to a major outside of business can declare the minor after they change out of business. Student must meet the prerequisites for the individual courses, as listed in the catalog, even if the prerequisite course does not count towards the minor.
Health Care Management
- A minimum of 12 credit hours, to include MGT 320, MGT 350, LE 351, plus three hours from either MGT 354 or MGT 355.
Hospitality and Tourism Minor
- A minimum of 15 credit hours including MKT 345, MKT 445, LE 380, MGT 335, plus three hours from MKT 400, STHM 270, ENT 360, GEO 304, GEO 317, NRRM 340, or NRRM 362.
- Internships and jobs
Human Resource Management*
- A minimum of 15 credit hours, to include MGT 320, MGT 424, MGT 425, MGT 430, plus three hours from among MGT 422, MGT 428, or MGT 429.
International Business Minor
- A minimum of 12 credit hours to include FIN 440, ECN 420 or ECN 421, MKT 371, and MGT 445 or MGT 478.
Legal Environment Minor
- A minimum of 12 credit hours to include LE 207 plus 9 credit hours from other LE courses.
Management Minor*
- A minimum of 12 credit hours, including MGT 320 and 422; plus six hours of 400 level MGT courses.
Management Information Systems Minor
- A minimum of 12 credit hours to include MIS 290 and MIS 340, plus six hours from among the 300/400 level MIS courses (excluding MIS 475).
Marketing Minor*
- A minimum of 12 credit hours, to include MKT 340 and nine other hours of Marketing.
Sports Business Minor*
- A minimum of 12 hours to include STHM 250, STHM 380, and six hours of other STHM courses.
Supply Chain Management*
- A minimum of 12 credit hours from among MGT 318, MGT 325, MGT 420, MGT 421, and MKT 350. Student must meet the prerequisites for the individual courses, as listed in the catalog, even if the prerequisite course does not count towards the minor.
Sustainability and Technology Management Minor*
- A minimum of 12 credit hours including MGT 320, MGT 370, and six hours from among MGT 380, MGT 421, or MGT 446.
*This minor can be completed with fully online courses.