Lisa Fry, Ph.D. is an adjunct professor in the Department of Communication Disorders. Dr. Fry received her master’s degree in Communication Disorders at Marshall in 1992 and her doctorate in Rehabilitation Sciences at the University of Kentucky in 2008. Her doctoral work focused on the study of the voice and its disorders. Her research has focused on laryngeal muscle biology, vocal aging, and the effects of various voice therapies on voice production. The results of her work have been published in several peer-reviewed journals in the field and presented at national and international venues for voice specialists. In 2009, she co-authored the text Voice Therapy: Clinical Case Studies, 3rd ed. with her doctoral mentor, Joseph Stemple.Dr. Fry taught full-time at Marshall from 2002 to 2010, teaching courses in Voice and Research Design and facilitating a weekly forum for undergraduate and graduate student researchers. Since leaving full-time teaching in 2010, Dr. Fry has continued to assist graduate and undergraduate researchers by serving on thesis committees and by assisting students in research design, analysis, and presentation. Dr. Fry continues to teach undergraduate and graduate courses in her areas of interest as needed by the Department.