Sarah Clemins M.S., CCC-SLP, is an Associate Professor and the current Director of Clinical Education in the Communication Disorders Department at Marshall University. Professor Clemins received her M.S. in Communication Disorders from Marshall in 2012, and prior to joining the department she worked as a speech language pathologist in skilled nursing and home health settings. In addition to organizing on and off campus clinical experiences at Marshall, she also teaches undergraduate classes and supervises students within the clinic. In 2018, she founded the Marshall University Multidisciplinary ALS Clinic and currently serves as the clinical coordinator and speech language pathologist. Her clinical interests include voice and swallowing with a special interest in vocal cord dysfunction. Professor Clemins is a board member of the West Virginia Speech-Language-Hearing Association (WVSHA), board member for the Center for Wellness in the Arts, and previous receipt of the Picken’s Queen Teaching Award. She has presented her research at several regional and national academic conferences, and she is the recipient of a “SPEAK Out” grant from the Parkinson Voice project.