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At Marshall University, we understand the importance of pursuing big ideas and sharing what we learn to make the world a better place.

Every day, our faculty and students work side by side in pursuit of discovery to improve lives and bring knowledge to the world. We live in an extraordinary time with extraordinary opportunities and challenges. Technological and social transformations are taking place at an accelerated pace, bringing about the need for profound changes in institutions of higher education. Universities, and units within institutions, must develop and sustain their relevance by deliberately creating innovative paradigms and sustained opportunities for economic, institutional and professional growth. In these pursuits, institutions must be mindful of the importance of formulating faculty participatory incentives that will be crucial for high levels of success for this engine of economic and intellectual growth. This is why it is so important that our faculty continue to have a collective vision, intellectual cohesiveness, and high aspirations toward shared goals.

As a R2 classified university by the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education, we are considered a “High Research Activity University” and possess at least 20 research / scholarship doctorates and expenditures of a minimum of $5 million per year on our research activities.

With this in mind, the College of Health Informatics (COHP) strives to foster a cultural shift by dedicated and highly motivated faculty. The COHP has created an environment allowing faculty and student researchers to excel and contribute to the economic development of the state, region and nation. We can and and must make substantially greater strides towards the attainment of grant and research capital, given the right vision, goals, and model.

The proposed model is a progressive approach with three primary components:

  • Engaging faculty for deliberate and emerging opportunities;
  • Faculty incentives and awards;
  • Resources and support provided by the COHP Associate Dean of Research.


The COHP will provide a quality research-based environment, supported by strategic resources and incentives necessary to inspire and engage faculty, students and staff to be part of advanced solutions to substantially improve economic and intellectual growth for the COHP, university, state, region and nation.


  • Engage, support and prepare faculty to submit research-based grants within their respective areas of concentration for the purpose of intellectual growth and intellectual capital in health care services.
  • Structure viable opportunities for faculty to receive grant-based financial incentive/rewards.
  • Encourage faculty through research and development activities to establish economic indicators that will help establish measures of the economy of the state.
  • Generate substantial funding for COHP and Marshall University through large grant awards, contracts, and training activities.
  • Utilize new capital to improve COHP faculty hirings, post-graduates, administrative staff, and graduate assistants, minimizing the burden on student tuition increases, university funds, and state funds.
  • Create methods so that COHP faculty, dedicated to this vision, can be effectively recognized for their extraordinary contributions

Contact Us

Curious about our research endeavors? Contact our Associate Dean of Research to learn more.

Dr. Girmay Berhie