Assistant Professor
251 Smith Hall
Spring 2025 Office Hours:
Tue: 9:00 – 2:00 (virtual)
Wed: 9:00 – 2:00 (virtual)
Note: Email Dr. Mao for information about how to connect for virtual office hours or to make an appointment at another time.
Office hours are times that faculty members have set aside specifically to help students. Please take advantage of these office hours if you have questions about something related to your class or are experiencing anything that is interfering with your ability to succeed in the class.
Chang (Molly) Mao is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication Studies at Marshall University. She is interested in organizational communication, communication technology, and health communication. She is most familiar with quantitative research methods, such as experiments, surveys, and network analysis. Molly loves biking. She believes it is very a healthy and environmentally-friendly way of transportation. When she is not teaching or doing research, she loves bringing her daughters to the library and to the playground.
Ph.D. in Communication, The Ohio State University
M.A. in Communication, The Ohio State University
B.A. in Organizational Communication, Hong Kong Baptist University
Joined Marshall faculty in August 2022.
Scholarly Interests
Organizational Communication, Communication Technology, Health Communication, Quantitative Research Methods
Courses Taught
CMM 207: Business and Professional Communication (Course Supervisor)
CMM 303: Introduction to Communication Theory
CMM 411: Research Methods to Communication Research (Undergraduate)
CMM 511: Research Methods to Communication Research (Graduate)