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Marshall CD Goes to ASHA! Day 1

From November 21 to November 23 the Marshall Communication Department was in Orlando, Florida, at the 2019 ASHA Convention, taking in everything that is new in the field of speech-language pathology and audiology, mingling with fellow academics and clinicians from other institutions, and presenting the research projects the department has been up to in the past year. Continue reading for for some of the highlights!


DAY 1 – Thursday, November 21

The day started with first year Master’s students Hannah Milam (left) and Julianna Music (right) presenting a poster titled: “Cultural Competency Among Communication Disorders Students from an Appalachian Region.” Other authors included Kali Scott and mentor Dr. Mary Weidner. The study examined cultural awareness and cultural knowledge among Communication Disorder undergraduate students at Marshall University.



Next, Professor Sarah Clemins (center), Dr. Kelly Rutherford (left), and Professor Erney Adams (right) gave a thirty-minute talk on how the Marshall CD department is utilizing the travel FEES system it recently purchased, within the classroom, in the University outpatient clinic, and at local skilled nursing facilities. The talk was very well attended, and followed by a lively Q&A with plenty of questions from clinicians from all over the country!



After that, first year Master’s students Taylor Stewart (right) and Kelsey Shiflet (center) and  presented a poster titled: “Assessing Cognitive-Linguistic Skills in Children With left Hemispherectomy: Lessons From a Case Study.” The students and their faculty mentor (Dr. Carrie Childers, on the left) examined three years of assessment and intervention data for a child who had a left hemispherectomy and was seen by the Marshall clinic. Also involved in the poster were MU students Hannah Searls and Beverly Miller.



Lastly, Dr. Rutherford (right), Professor Clemins (left), and Professor Adams (center) presented another poster, titled: “Interactive Lab Learning for International Dysphagia Diet Standardization Initiative: Training the Professionals of Tomorrow.” The poster described Marshall faculty members’ efforts to develop a learning opportunity for students to come together and learn about what the IDDSI implementation means for them. Marshall’s very own Professor Pamela Holland (CD Department Chair), Kelli Williams, and Mary Gould were also authors on the poster.