Marshallu Hashtags

Below are our most popular hashtags on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Use them to stay connected to the #MarshallUFamily and keep the conversation trending! Do you have a hashtag you use often and would like added to the list? Send it to for consideration.












#MarshallU2028 – incoming class






Week of Welcome is all about the experience and is a collaborative effort across campuses to welcome and acclimate new students to the campus, procedures, expectations and traditions.

Thank A Donor Day is hosted each fall by the Marshall University Foundation and gives our students an opportunity to say “thank you” to our donors for the opportunities they’ve been gifted through scholarships.

Homecoming is a great time to celebrate being part of the #MarshalluFamily! Activities for students, alums and Herd fans of all ages will leading up to the annual Homecoming game on Saturday. This is your opportunity to show your Herd spirit, break out your best Green and White gear and return to campus to cheer on your Thundering Herd!

Marshall Day at the state Capitol is an annual event held each year during the legislative session. Marshall representatives greet visitors, interacting with legislators and promote a variety of programs. The event is organized by the office of alumni relations.

Biannual commencement ceremonies celebrate the successful degree completion of our students.


Be Social

If you have a Marshall University branded social media site you maintain for your department or group, let us know and get the word out by having your site listed here.

Important Information