Mathematics & Physics News Archive

Pi Day Celebration, hosted by Pi Mu Epsilon and the Thundering Nerds Math Club, was a huge success. The event featured Pi themed foods, activities and games. Activities included coloring Pi Day pictures, making bracelets and origami. There was also a Pie the Professor fundraiser in which students and faculty donated money to vote for

West Virginia Alliance for STEM and the Arts partnered with Emmy nominated Director Katie Dellamaggiore of Rescued Media, and with our sponsors and partners around West Virginia, to bring their new program “Stories with STEAM – The Appalachian Circuit” featuring Small Town Universe to several communities in West Virginia. The event at Marshall took place

The night sky on Thursday was relatively clear for students from the Marshall University Astronomy Club (MUAC). They were able to set up a variety of their donated telescopes for club members and community members passing by to view the night sky (they set-up their Sky Watcher Dobsonian, Meade LX200, and Celestron C6). Mars and

Recently, undergraduate students from the Marshall University Astronomy Club (MUAC) and the Marshall University chapter of the Society of Physics Students (SPS) visited kindergarten and second-grade classes at Our Lady of Fatima Parish School here in Huntington, WV. The students in the classes got the chance to observe terrestrial objects through a telescope and witness

The College of Science Research Expo, held in the Science Building on April 25th, is an opportunity for undergraduate and graduate students to present their research projects conducted at Marshall University. Beginning March 3rd through March 28th, we will accept abstract submissions on topics of interest in: biology, chemistry, criminal justice, forensic science, digital forensics,

A huge shout out to our new Pi Mu Epsilon inductees this year! Congratulations, Anthony Muto, Julian Myers, and Macy Skaggs! Pi Mu Epsilon is a non-secret organization whose purpose is the promotion of scholarly activity in mathematics among students in academic institutions. It aims to do this by 1) electing members on an honorary

Congratulations to Our Outstanding Students! We are thrilled to celebrate the achievements of five incredible Marshall University students who have been awarded NASA West Virginia Space Grant Undergraduate Fellowships for their research projects! Their hard work and dedication, guided by their faculty mentors, continue to push the boundaries of science and discovery. Grace Ghiz (Anthropology)

Join Physics and the College of Science for High School Science Day on April 7th, 2025, from 10am to 1:30pm! This is a FREE event and lunch will be provided. RSVP your spot with Dr. Sean P. McBride ( Students will experience numerous exciting and engaging 10-minute STEM demonstrations, taste the phase changes of liquid

Two stellar events are being held this month at the Huntington Museum of Art! NASA Solar System Ambassador and Marshall University Grad Student Ellie White will be speaking and having a Q & A session afterwards about NASA’s Europa Clipper Mission and the search for life in the Solar System. Ellie’s talk will be followed

On 9 November 2024, two mathematics faculty Dr. Trung Truong and Dr. Tom Cuchta took a group of students to the 42nd Southeastern-Atlantic Regional Conference on Differential Equations, held this year at West Virginia University in Morgantown, WV. There were five talks contributed by students and faculty from Marshall’s Department of Mathematics and Physics. One