Mathematics & Physics News Archive

Congratulations to Dr. Holly Cyphert and Dr. Sean McBride for being awarded funding from the NASA West Virginia Space Grant Consortium to host NASA Day events. STEM Biology Summer Day Camp Dr. Holly Cyphert will run a one-day STEM immersion camp aimed at exposing area children from 4th to 8th grade to biology and related

Congratulations to Dr. Laura Stapleton for her award of The Stephen & Sue Zemba Excellence in Online Teaching Award! It is truly a recognition of her service and contributions to the online education and community.

On Saturday, November 2, Marshall students Ashley Robinett, Richard Williams, and Macy Skaggs and Marshall professor Stephen Deterding attended the Fall 2024 Ohio Section Meeting of the Mathematical Association of America. Ashley, Richard, and Dr. Deterding presented talks at the meeting.

Fourth and fifth grade students at Altizer Elementary in Huntington had a great time experiencing the portable planetarium with Dr. Sachiko McBride!

No tricks, just treats! The Marshall University Astronomy Club, the Society of Physics Students, and Pi MU Epsilon hosted a night of Halloween party fun for all members and faculty from the Department of Mathematics and Physics in attendance! Activities included costume judging, contests and games, a potluck, a movie showing, and telescope use on

Thank you once again Huntington Middle School and Ms. Sowards for inviting Dr. McBride, advisor of the Society of Physics Students and Associate Professor in the Mathematics and Physics Department, along with his previous College Physics students Madison Corey and Haylea Castle, to help with this year’s pumpkin drop! Fun was had by all! Dr.

Congratulations to our professors who were awarded NASA Mini-Opportunity Grants! Dr Tom Cuchta “Differential Analyzer in Lexington” Dr Judy Fan “Hybrid Materials-Based Resistive Memory Diodes for Artificial Neural Networks” Dr Yongick Kim “Reconstitution of the Circadian Clock In Vitro: A Strategy to Discover the Mechanism for Circadian Clock Synchronization” Dr Aley El-Shazly “Investigation of REEY

Does mathematics scare you? Don’t be frightened! Students from Pi Mu Epsilon and the Thundering Nerds Math Club have created a math puzzle for display at the Kenova Pumpkin House. They volunteered at the Pumpkin House by carving pumpkins and assembling a puzzle as well as completing the puzzle. The puzzle will be on display

Math professor Dr. Tom Cuchta was invited to speak in a special session titled “Hypergeometric Functions, Orthogonal Polynomials, and Multivariable Polynomials” at the 8th Approximation Theory and Special Functions conference held in Ankara, Türkiye on 4-6 September 2024. His talk was on some recent and forthcoming research on hypergeometric functions and was titled “Discrete and

Approximately 100 rising ninth graders from throughout West Virginia who are part of Marshall University’s annual Health Science and Technology Academy (HSTA) had a fantastic experience at the Science Demo Show on July 9th. Participants got to ‘see’ sound with fire, walk on a non-Newtonian fluid, see Bernoulli’s principle in action, witness thunder and lightning