Mathematics & Physics News Archive
Dr. Tom Cuchta, alongside his colleagues Dr. Jaqueline Mesquita (University of Brasilia) and Dr. Sabrina Streipert (University of Pittsburgh), organized a special session at the International Conference on Difference Equations and Applications held this year in Paris, France. The session, titled “Recent advances on time scales and its relation to difference equations”, hosted 14 speakers
Four College of Science faculty members participated in the Marshall Takeover of the Tristate STEM+M High School on Friday, April 19. Dr Holly Cyphert, Dr Sachiko McBride, Dr Shannon Miller-Mace, and Dr Anna Mummert. The 55 high school students experienced a full day of Marshall classes from 15 Marshall faculty from across the university.
The College of Science would like to recognize one of Dr. Cuchta’s students, Richard Williams. Richard is a mathematics major and he gave a talk at the Allegheny Mountain Section conference of the Mathematical Association of America. The conference was held in Fairmont, WV on April 5th and 6th. Richard gave a presentation titled “A
Marshall faculty, staff, students, and our community joined together yesterday for a wonderful viewing of the Solar Eclipse. The College of Science would like to thank Dr. Sean McBride, Dr. Sachiko McBride, the Marshall University Astronomy Club, and the Society of Physics Students for making this viewing event such an amazing gathering!