Physics News Archive
Congratulations to our professors who were awarded NASA Mini-Opportunity Grants! Dr Tom Cuchta “Differential Analyzer in Lexington” Dr Judy Fan “Hybrid Materials-Based Resistive Memory Diodes for Artificial Neural Networks” Dr Yongick Kim “Reconstitution of the Circadian Clock In Vitro: A Strategy to Discover the Mechanism for Circadian Clock Synchronization” Dr Aley El-Shazly “Investigation of REEY
Approximately 100 rising ninth graders from throughout West Virginia who are part of Marshall University’s annual Health Science and Technology Academy (HSTA) had a fantastic experience at the Science Demo Show on July 9th. Participants got to ‘see’ sound with fire, walk on a non-Newtonian fluid, see Bernoulli’s principle in action, witness thunder and lightning
Four College of Science faculty members participated in the Marshall Takeover of the Tristate STEM+M High School on Friday, April 19. Dr Holly Cyphert, Dr Sachiko McBride, Dr Shannon Miller-Mace, and Dr Anna Mummert. The 55 high school students experienced a full day of Marshall classes from 15 Marshall faculty from across the university.
Marshall faculty, staff, students, and our community joined together yesterday for a wonderful viewing of the Solar Eclipse. The College of Science would like to thank Dr. Sean McBride, Dr. Sachiko McBride, the Marshall University Astronomy Club, and the Society of Physics Students for making this viewing event such an amazing gathering!