Science Abstracts News Archive
Approximately 100 rising ninth graders from throughout West Virginia who are part of Marshall University’s annual Health Science and Technology Academy (HSTA) had a fantastic experience at the Science Demo Show on July 9th. Participants got to ‘see’ sound with fire, walk on a non-Newtonian fluid, see Bernoulli’s principle in action, witness thunder and lightning
Dr. Tom Cuchta, alongside his colleagues Dr. Jaqueline Mesquita (University of Brasilia) and Dr. Sabrina Streipert (University of Pittsburgh), organized a special session at the International Conference on Difference Equations and Applications held this year in Paris, France. The session, titled “Recent advances on time scales and its relation to difference equations”, hosted 14 speakers
The Department of Chemistry conducts an annual Chemistry Research Summer Program (CRSP) that serves to strengthen the culture of research among our student scientists. It serves as an opportunity to meet new people, enhance scientific presenting skills, and have fun! The Program includes educational as well as recreational activities. This year, student scientists participated in
COS Advisors and Associate Dean Anna Mummert working hard this week during New Student Orientation making certain that our new students have their schedules and that they are prepared and ready to begin classes for Fall 24. Our Advisors and Deans are wonderful and they are a great asset to our students. Thank you, Advisors
WV high school students having fun at the anatomical summer camp training at Marshall campus led by Dr. Habiba Chirchir. They learned about kidney and heart anatomy as they dissected sheep kidneys and cow hearts. The training was funded by the American Association for Anatomy.
Dr. Kim Kunkler, an assistant professor in Forensic Science, has been honored by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) International with its 2023 Forensic Sciences Award. The award was given in recognition of continuous and outstanding contributions to the committee’s standards development. Since joining ASTM in 2017, Kunkler has seen several fire debris
Marshall University Forensic Science Graduate Program Class of 2024 has ranked #1 overall on the American Board of Criminalistics’ (ABC) Forensic Science Assessment Test (FSAT)! This is the thirteenth year our Forensic Science students have achieved the #1 overall ranking in the past fifteen years. Congratulations to our hard-working students for achieving continuation of Marshall’s
Dr. Laura McCunn, Professor of Chemistry, has been named a Student Success Champion by the Office of the Provost and the Center for Student Success. She received the award surrounded by many of the chemistry majors who nominated her for encouraging students in the classroom and research lab. Congratulations!
Four College of Science faculty members participated in the Marshall Takeover of the Tristate STEM+M High School on Friday, April 19. Dr Holly Cyphert, Dr Sachiko McBride, Dr Shannon Miller-Mace, and Dr Anna Mummert. The 55 high school students experienced a full day of Marshall classes from 15 Marshall faculty from across the university.
Congratulations to Walker Tatum, recipient of the inaugural Current Student Dr. Ronald G. Area “3 C’s” Award! Presented on April 13th during the 85th Alumni Awards Banquet in the Brad D. Smith Foundation Hall, this honor celebrates Walker’s exceptional commitment to Marshall University’s community, current students, and alumni. As Student Body President and a senior