News Archives

College of Science holds 11th annual WV Science Olympiad Tournament
Marshall University College of Science held the 11th annual West Virginia Science Olympiad Tournament on Saturday, March 1, 2025. Teams from around the state competed in STEM events during the day. Congratulations to all the winners and to Morgantown High School that won the overall competition! Morgantown High School will move on and participate in
Physics student groups help local elementary students discover physics
Recently, undergraduate students from the Marshall University Astronomy Club (MUAC) and the Marshall University chapter of the Society of Physics Students (SPS) visited kindergarten and second-grade classes at Our Lady of Fatima Parish School here in Huntington, WV. The students in the classes got the chance to observe terrestrial objects through a telescope and witness
Biology student, faculty represent Marshall at range management meeting
This week graduate student Catherine Schwartzmann and associate professor Kyle Palmquist represented Marshall University and attended the 2025 Society of Range Management Annual Meeting in Spokane, Washington. This is a large meeting that brings together scientists and managers working on the ground. We met with existing collaborators and several new collaborators who have shared data
Alpha Phi Sigma honor society holds spring meet & greet
Alpha Phi Sigma (ΑΦΣ) is a national honor society for students studying criminal justice or related fields. It’s the only nationally recognized criminal justice honor society. The MU Alpha Phi Sigma’s Spring meet & greet was a success! We had a wonderful night full of food, friends, and trivia! Stay tuned for more upcoming events
College of Science to host Research Expo
The College of Science Research Expo, held in the Science Building on April 25th, is an opportunity for undergraduate and graduate students to present their research projects conducted at Marshall University. Beginning March 3rd through March 28th, we will accept abstract submissions on topics of interest in: biology, chemistry, criminal justice, forensic science, digital forensics,
Chemistry professor, students publish article in Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy
Congratulations, Dr. Laura McCunn! Professor Laura McCunn of the Department of Chemistry has published a research article, “Characterization of the pyrolysis products of 2-pyrone via matrix-isolation FTIR,” with a team of Marshall students and recent graduates. The article appears in a special issue of the Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy that features work done by undergraduate
Students inducted into Pi Mu Epsilon mathematics honor society
A huge shout out to our new Pi Mu Epsilon inductees this year! Congratulations, Anthony Muto, Julian Myers, and Macy Skaggs! Pi Mu Epsilon is a non-secret organization whose purpose is the promotion of scholarly activity in mathematics among students in academic institutions. It aims to do this by 1) electing members on an honorary
Forensics and Chemistry faculty publication honored by Journal of Forensic Sciences
Congratulations Dr. Lauren Richards-Waugh and Dr. Rosalynn Quinones! One of their 2024 publications has been selected as a 2024 Noteworthy Article for the Journal of Forensic Science. Journal of Forensic Sciences 2024 Noteworthy Articles An evaluation of the cannabinoid content of the liquid and thermal degradation analysis of cannabis-labeled vape liquids by Dr. Lauren Richards-Waugh,
COS students awarded NASA Space Grant Undergraduate Fellowships
Congratulations to Our Outstanding Students! We are thrilled to celebrate the achievements of five incredible Marshall University students who have been awarded NASA West Virginia Space Grant Undergraduate Fellowships for their research projects! Their hard work and dedication, guided by their faculty mentors, continue to push the boundaries of science and discovery. Grace Ghiz (Anthropology)
Criminal Justice online master’s receives top 20 ranking from U.S. News & World Report
U.S. News & World Report’s Best Online Program rankings list for 2025 includes four Marshall University Online programs. Our online master’s in Criminal Justice was among the four, ranking 20th among similar programs. “We are honored to be recognized in the 2025 U.S. News & World Report rankings for our online programs,” said Julia Spears,