News Archives
Mathematics faculty and students present at Conference on Differential Equations
On 9 November 2024, two mathematics faculty Dr. Trung Truong and Dr. Tom Cuchta took a group of students to the 42nd Southeastern-Atlantic Regional Conference on Differential Equations, held this year at West Virginia University in Morgantown, WV. There were five talks contributed by students and faculty from Marshall’s Department of Mathematics and Physics. One
Science faculty receive funding for NASA Day events
November 12, 2024 · Biological Sciences, Mathematics & Physics, Outreach, Physics, Science Abstracts
Congratulations to Dr. Holly Cyphert and Dr. Sean McBride for being awarded funding from the NASA West Virginia Space Grant Consortium to host NASA Day events. STEM Biology Summer Day Camp Dr. Holly Cyphert will run a one-day STEM immersion camp aimed at exposing area children from 4th to 8th grade to biology and related
Biological Sciences students awarded scholarships
Students in Biological Sciences have been awarded scholarships for the 2024-2025 academic year. These awards recognize these outstanding students for their diligent work in the classroom, research lab, field, and beyond. Congratulations!
First-Gen Science students represent student organizations during FGCC
November 8, 2024 · Science Abstracts
Marshall University joined institutions across the nation to honor first-generation college students, faculty, staff and alumni in honor of the First-Generation College Celebration (FGCC). As part of the national celebration, Marshall hosted events, highlighted resources, shared success stories, and launched a new video highlighting those who were the first in their families to pursue higher
Chemistry professor Laura McCunn published in The Journal of Physical Chemistry A
Professor Laura McCunn has published an article in The Journal of Physical Chemistry A with six undergraduate coauthors from the Department of Chemistry and collaborators from the University of Richmond. The paper is a combined experimental and computational study of the thermal decomposition of 2-cyclopentenone. This molecule occurs during the high-temperature processing of plant matter
Math faculty Dr. Laura Stapleton honored with Excellence in Online Teaching Award
Congratulations to Dr. Laura Stapleton for her award of The Stephen & Sue Zemba Excellence in Online Teaching Award! It is truly a recognition of her service and contributions to the online education and community.
Mathematics students present at Mathematical Association of America meeting
On Saturday, November 2, Marshall students Ashley Robinett, Richard Williams, and Macy Skaggs and Marshall professor Stephen Deterding attended the Fall 2024 Ohio Section Meeting of the Mathematical Association of America. Ashley, Richard, and Dr. Deterding presented talks at the meeting.
Physics brings the stars to local elementary school
Fourth and fifth grade students at Altizer Elementary in Huntington had a great time experiencing the portable planetarium with Dr. Sachiko McBride!
O’Keefe and Clark present at annual Society of Vertebrate Paleontology Conference
Dr. Robin O’Keefe and Robbie Clark from the Department of Biological Sciences presented their research at the annual Society of Vertebrate Paleontology Conference. This year’s 84th meeting was held in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Their research involves predatory ecomorphology of Unktaheela specta, the smallest polycotylid of the Western Inferior Seaway. Congratulations Robin and Robbie!
Mathematics & Physics student organizations host Halloween party
No tricks, just treats! The Marshall University Astronomy Club, the Society of Physics Students, and Pi MU Epsilon hosted a night of Halloween party fun for all members and faculty from the Department of Mathematics and Physics in attendance! Activities included costume judging, contests and games, a potluck, a movie showing, and telescope use on