Welcome Message
Welcome to the Marshall University Counseling Center website. On this website you will find information about the Marshall Univeristy Counseling Center, services, resources, contact information and other valuable counseling and wellness information.
Located on the first floor of Prichard Hall, the Counseling Center offers professional therapeutic services that can assist students with mental health, academic, career, and personal needs. Counseling services are confidential and free for Marshall University students. Our primary goal is to support the mission of Marshall University and the Division of Student Affairs by providing support and assistance to develop students’ personal growth, academic success, and mental health. The Marshall University Counseling Center recognizes and supports the diverse needs of students through counseling, educational, assessment, outreach, and training activities.
Please do not hesitate to contact the Counseling Center if you have any questions, at 304-696-3111.

Marshall University’s Counseling Center is committed to providing you with the opportunity to explore concerns with a professional counselor in a confidential setting. We offer services aimed at helping you attain your goals. We recognize that the college years are a time of accelerated growth, significant challenges, and considerable stress. We are here to help you learn how to manage the variety of concerns that may arise during your college career.
The Marshall University Counseling Center is a member of the Center for Collegiate Mental Health (CCMH), the West Virginia Collegiate Initiative to Address High-Risk Alcohol Use (WVCIA), and the Director is a member of the Association for University and College Counseling Center Directors (AUCCCD).
At times, students may require mental health services that reach beyond the scope of practice of the Marshall University Counseling Center. In such situations, we provide appropriate referrals to community resources, while still providing support for students along the way. We are sensitive to the fact that some students require greater needs than others and we do our best, within our ethical duty, to balance this reality with our responsibilities as a university counseling center.
If we believe that a student’s needs for services go beyond our ability to meet these needs, we will offer referral information for treatment providers, agencies, or organizations that might be able to meet this need. If a student or parent has questions about the center’s scope of practice, they are encouraged to contact the Director at 304-696-2269 or e-mail counselingcenter@marshall.edu
After a referral and completion of registration and consent paperwork, students are scheduled an intake appointment. Due to the fact that it may take up to two weeks to receive an intake appointment, students are welcome to attend the counseling center walk-in clinic, Let’s Talk groups, workshops, or attend evening or weekend walk-in with the Counselor in Residence until the intake appointment.
Student symptomatology and functioning is assessed and they are placed in one of the following four levels. The service levels helps to provide a scope and plan of care and a severity level for counselors. All students are provided treatment plan goals and objectives that guide treatment
Marshall University Counseling Center Clinical Level System
- The following chart is the center level system so assist with placing students in the appropriate therapy level system based upon symptoms, severity, and assessment scoring (CCAPS, PHQ-9, GAD-7).
- Leveling will be conducted within the walk-in clinic and leveling will be confirmed by the Assistant Director or Coordinator of Treatment and Outreach.
- Existing clients will be leveled by their mental health specialist.
- Students can receive three sessions in the walk-in clinic with the same counselor if they are on level 2.
- Students on levels 3 and 4 qualify for up to 10 sessions per semester.
Services provided by the Marshall University Counseling Center
- Short-term counseling and psychotherapy – students receive 10 Individual and/or Couples Counseling sessions per semester.
- Group therapy and workshops (Does not count towards 10-session limit)
- Psychiatric evaluation and medication management (Does not count towards 10-session limit)
- Walk-in clinic/drop-in consultation (Does not count towards 10-session limit)
- 24/7 emergency- students should contact MUPD at 304-696-HELP (4357).
- 24/7 crisis coverage- students can contact 304-696-2550 to speak to a counselor (Does not count towards 10-session limit)
- Evening drop-in hours with Counselors-in-Residence in Twin Towers West or Gibson Residence Halls
- Outreach and consultation for Marshall students, organizations, student groups, faculty, and staff on mental-health-related topics.
Services NOT provided at the Marshall University Counseling Center
- Testing/evaluation for disability claims, custody claims, or other legal proceedings
- Psychological testing for learning disabilities, ADHD, or neurological conditions
- Intensive outpatient therapy (e.g., regularly-scheduled individual sessions which occur more than once per week, and/or have a duration longer than 1 hour)
- Family therapy
- Therapy services for students who are not currently enrolled in classes, due to graduation, withdrawal, or dismissal from the University.
- Therapy/evaluation that is court-ordered or mandated by any non-University judicial body
- Detox/rehab treatment for individuals with chemical dependency
- Intensive ongoing case management services; for example, daily phone check-ins or daily medication management.
- A situation in which a client has a severe mental health concern AND, based on available treatment guidelines, clinical knowledge/experience, and professional standards of practice, we believe that this severe mental health concern cannot be treated at the MUCC without risking probable further deterioration of a person’s health and safety.
- The MUCC cannot contact students who are not already our clients with the intention of encouraging them to seek services here, but will contact students who we receive a referral about by concerned third-parties. Third-parties will never be given information concerning contact with referred students.
- Undergraduate, Graduate, and Professional students enrolled part-time or full-time for the current or upcoming semester.
- This includes online-only students, if they reside within West Virginia during the time services would be provided.
- Students who are physically located in the state of West Virginia during the time services are provided.
- We cannot provide services to students who would be in a different state during the time in which services would be provided. This is prohibited by state counseling boards.
Emergency/Crisis Counseling
In the event of an emergency, a Marshall University Counseling Center staff member is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week! To access crisis services:
- Call 304-696-2550 to reach the crisis counselor.
- If the crisis situation already involves a medical emergency, please call 911 first!
Counseling Center Hours of Operation
- Monday- 8:00-4:30
- Tuesday- 8:00-4:30
- Wednesday- 8:00-4:30
- Thursday- 8:00-4:30
- Friday- 8:00-4:30
You can make an appointment via one of the following options:
- Coming into the Center
- Over the phone, by calling 304-696-3111
- E-mailing counselingcenter@marshall.edu
- Completing these New Client Forms, and then scheduling yourself for a Walk-In Appointment.
- By using your counselor’s online scheduling link on this page (Only for current student-clients).
If you ever need to cancel an appointment, please contact the Counseling Center or your counselor as soon as possible.
The Counseling Center provides a waiting area for clients on the first floor of Prichard Hall. Scheduled appointments are approximately 45 minutes to one hour. Therapy services are free for enrolled or current full time and part-time students.
Walk-In Appointments
During Walk-In Appointment hours, students are seen on a first-here, first-served basis. A counselor or counseling intern will work with you to determine your needs and the most appropriate intervention. That may include scheduling a follow-up appointment with a counselor, and/or a referral to other campus or community resources. Walk-in appointments are 30 minutes or less in duration. Schedule a Walk-In Appointment at the link below, or in person at the center – again, on a first-here, first-served basis.
Students must first complete New Client Forms, and then they can Schedule A Walk-In Appointment Here.
Walk-In Appointment Hours:
- Monday- 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
- Tuesday- 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
- Wednesday- 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
- Thursday- 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
- Friday- 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
What to expect at your first appointment?
During your intake appointment your counselor will ask you a series of questions about your experiences in order to get to know you better. You are encouraged to ask questions, as well! They may also ask you to complete brief assessment tools in order to get an idea of how strong you’ve had to be recently. Our counselors will work with you to begin making a plan to process needs, goals, and how to improve. At the end of your first appointment, your counselor will schedule their next appointment with you (or they may ask you to use their unique scheduling link, if you can’t schedule at that time).