Hedrick Outstanding Faculty Award

Made possible by a grant from Charles B. and Mary Jo Locke Hedrick, the Dr. Charles E. Hedrick Outstanding Faculty Award is awarded annually and named in honor of Mr. Hedrick’s father, a former history professor and founder of the Graduate School. The $5,000 award is the most prestigious form of faculty recognition at Marshall University.


Nominees must:

  • be in a full-time, tenured appointment in a unit that reports to Academic Affairs;
  • have a minimum of seven years of full-time teaching experience at Marshall University (a person is first eligible for nomination in the fall of the 8th year);
  • have a record of outstanding scholarship, research and/or creative activity plus outstanding undergraduate or graduate teaching.


Nomination Form

  • Members of the faculty, staff, or administration may make a nomination by completing the online form. Self-nominations will not be accepted. 
  • Nominations deadline: September 27, 2024

Please Note: A faculty member can receive this award only once in his or her service at Marshall University. For a list of previous recipients, please visit: http://www.marshall.edu/ctl/?p=1570.

Submission Procedures & Materials

Part I – Screening: Nominees will be screened by the Selection Committee. The screening will be based on the following documents, which are due to the committee by October 16, 2024:

  1. A current vita
  2. Responses to a teaching questionnaire
  3. A recommendation letter from a colleague (not your chair) who is familiar with your teaching and research/creative activities.
  4. A list of your current research/creative activity along with a one- to two-page discussion of the relevance of that activity

Part II – Finalists: Those nominees selected as finalists will provide the following documentation to the committee by January 15, 2025.

  1. Two additional letters of recommendation from colleagues who are familiar with the candidate’s teaching and research/creative activities (not your chair)
  2. Responses to a questionnaire from your chair.
  3. Sample(s) of works published (books, chapters, creative publications/performances/exhibitions, refereed articles, etc.)—either as PDF or in another electronic form (video, audio, image).
  4. A one- to two-page discussion of your course evaluations for the prior four years (we will obtain these evaluations from Institutional Research for you).

The Selection Committee will observe the classroom teaching of each finalist and meet with students and colleagues during Spring 2025. Equal weight is given to teaching AND to research/creative activities.

Please direct questions to:

Dr. April Fugett
Executive Director
Center for Teaching and Learning
Old Main 109